On December 15, we reported an incident in which three members of Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) beat up an 18 year old girl. Later that week, we provided a follow-up which included a picture of the injuries the young woman purported to sustain during the assault.
Well, looks like the young woman in question has decided that she is still going to run with violent neo-Nazis. In fact, she has started dating one:

Our regulars will recognize the guy, but for our uninitiated...

That's right boys and girls, it is none other than Andrew Benson who, given the number of times he runs around without a shirt on, we can only assume has a terrible allergy to cotton.
"But ARC," we hear you ask, "doesn't Benson run with the Kyle McKee and the former members of the Aryan Guard who now comprise the bulk of the new Blood & Honour gang in Calgary? How can he date, 'D' when it was members of this group who are alleged to have assaulted her?"
Easy answer. Benson appears to have switched allegiances from Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) and Kyle McKee (seen in the picture below with Benson and Marleau which was taken in August)....

... to their hated rivals W.E.B:

Jesus! Again no shirts, eh? Don't most decent bars have, "no shoes, no shirt, no service" policies?
So, how are members and associates of W.E.B responding to this new love that has blossomed?
Not so good based on what we've read thus far:

Actually Justin, "D" didn't send us anything, though she does have numerous people on her Facebook profile who provided us with information and sent us the appropriate screenshots and pictures (so do you). Not that we think you'll believe us, but we figure we should set the record straight here.
The real question we have is how Micki, someone who was booted from Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) when they learned about her ancestry and who moved on to W.E.B would deal with this:

Micki here had a bit of a crush on Benson. A crush which, it appears, was unrequited. Still, she allowed herself to pine for him and hope. And what happens when that hope no longer exists. Hell hath no fury....

Ultimately, we really don't care much about this particular soap opera. That's the side-show. The big picture to be gleaned from all this is how fractured these two bonehead factions are in Calgary. Notice how fast they switch allegiances? Or how quickly they turn on each other? Or how little they actually trust each other and are willing to sell each other out over any slight, real or perceived?
Ladies and gentlemen, we give you the White Nationalist movement in Calgary, at least as it pertains to the most visible two groups. It really doesn't matter whether they refer to themselves as the Aryan Guard, W.E.B. or Blood & Honour. What matters is that you simply can not put lipstick on a pig.
Well, looks like the young woman in question has decided that she is still going to run with violent neo-Nazis. In fact, she has started dating one:

Our regulars will recognize the guy, but for our uninitiated...

That's right boys and girls, it is none other than Andrew Benson who, given the number of times he runs around without a shirt on, we can only assume has a terrible allergy to cotton.
"But ARC," we hear you ask, "doesn't Benson run with the Kyle McKee and the former members of the Aryan Guard who now comprise the bulk of the new Blood & Honour gang in Calgary? How can he date, 'D' when it was members of this group who are alleged to have assaulted her?"
Easy answer. Benson appears to have switched allegiances from Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) and Kyle McKee (seen in the picture below with Benson and Marleau which was taken in August)....

... to their hated rivals W.E.B:

Jesus! Again no shirts, eh? Don't most decent bars have, "no shoes, no shirt, no service" policies?
So, how are members and associates of W.E.B responding to this new love that has blossomed?
Not so good based on what we've read thus far:

Actually Justin, "D" didn't send us anything, though she does have numerous people on her Facebook profile who provided us with information and sent us the appropriate screenshots and pictures (so do you). Not that we think you'll believe us, but we figure we should set the record straight here.
The real question we have is how Micki, someone who was booted from Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) when they learned about her ancestry and who moved on to W.E.B would deal with this:

Micki here had a bit of a crush on Benson. A crush which, it appears, was unrequited. Still, she allowed herself to pine for him and hope. And what happens when that hope no longer exists. Hell hath no fury....

Ultimately, we really don't care much about this particular soap opera. That's the side-show. The big picture to be gleaned from all this is how fractured these two bonehead factions are in Calgary. Notice how fast they switch allegiances? Or how quickly they turn on each other? Or how little they actually trust each other and are willing to sell each other out over any slight, real or perceived?
Ladies and gentlemen, we give you the White Nationalist movement in Calgary, at least as it pertains to the most visible two groups. It really doesn't matter whether they refer to themselves as the Aryan Guard, W.E.B. or Blood & Honour. What matters is that you simply can not put lipstick on a pig.
Rob had a nice face. It's a shame that he chose to brutalize his appearance. Nothing about this particular blog post surprises me, other than, still, to this day, that shitty tattooed spider's web on that retard's chin and neck. Tsk.
It also looks like 'D' just dumped Benson on his Facebook profile wall.
Jesus, Marleau is a fat fuck.
this is so stupid, i used to be good friends with this girl. and she told me that she wasnt going to talk to these dirt bags any more, because she knows better then that. when i found out she was talking to them agen let alone dating one, I had no other choice but to stop all contact with her. it sucks because she is a nice girl and was a great friend, but i can not be hanging out with people that assosiate themselves with assholes like this, they are nothing but pieces of shit douch bags..."D" had non racist friends that really cared about her, and she fucked that up for a lil nazi fling wtf. well lets just all hope she doesnt turn up in a dumpster
The most hilarious part about all of this is that Benson attempted to make good with VHS/Crew 38 here in Ontario and got punched out for bothering them. Where's he gonna go when all contacts in AB sour?
I like how when anyone joins WEB it seems to be mandatory to take off your clothes, i will assume all shirtless skinheads with bad ink are WEB. It is their calling card, in fact NatGeo should do a documentary on them " and here we have the shirtless and often unemployed WEB members, and look over there! its john marleau, lumbering towards the trough for some well earned slop"
A rose by any other name!!!!!Hahaha These degenerate losers are PATHETIC!!!! Aryan Guard Blood and Honour W.E.B what is with the water in Calgary!!!
I hear Reitmeier is going to be a Dad...someone call child services!!
So this girl gets beat up by Nazis, then decides to start dating one?
Who is more fucked, the girl or the Nazis?
Funny of you to continue your relentless crap talking tirade on the internet yet again about us in Calgary Jeff. Just because you wear some lame VF patch amongst your "friends" doesn't make you any kind of tough guy or warrior for the WN cause. Here is some advice for ya: Get off your computer. Come down to Calgary. State your issues with either group in person for ONCE. Then you might achieve something. You are nearly 40 years old so act like it. Oh and stop chasing my ex-girlfriends that want nothing to do with you. I'm sure even our friends at ARC can figure out who I am ;)
the water in calgary is fine. i turned out alright, and i spent 28years there. i'm guessing the problem with these idiots is the inbreeding. i mean, look at mckee's head! no 2 unrelated people could have the genetic makeup to produce that pointy fuckin skull. and the lack of intelligence of the whole bunch. and lack of common sense. and the serious lack of brains it would take to get ugly, fucked up white power tattoos on their faces, hands, and heads. fucking morons.
Benson originally didn't care about inner- movement drama. I guess he's changed his ways haha.
Whoever is trying to frame Jeff Demas use your own name to settle your score with AG/WEB and whoever else you have a problem with.
omg who in the right mind would date that ugly fuck.
Hey anonymous dude. That wasn't me posting, once again. I'm way up in Edmonton, do you think I really give a damn what goes on in Calgary. If I had a problem with ya, I wouldn't be trashing you on the net
"lame VF patch"?? Get real VolksFront is an INTERNATIONAL Brotherhood not some local hick wannabes... you better hope i don't come down there and straighten your asses out!!!! All of you are an embarrassment a bunch of drunk and drug addicted GIRL beaters!!!
Well after confirming with some people on the matter, it has become very clear that the person posting under the name "Jeff Demas" is in fact not Jeff. Nice try tho..had me going for all of about 10 minutes. Do try to be a bit more creative next time :)
international brotherhood of douchebags...
fyi W.E.B has ditched Micki.
Whats with the boneheads and doing these homoertoic pictures that border on softcore gay porn, Were they extras in the movie 300 or something?
these skinheads are not real national socialists. they are criminal imposters, who wear tattoos, smoke crack, drink beer and are violent which does not fit into any of adolf hitler's category. adolf hitler never drank, never smoked and was an artistic person. most importantly he never shaved his head. national socialism is a religion for the white race and a way of life. it's about righteousness ( whiteousness ) . being a skinhead has nothing to do with national socialism. the aryan guard is a disgrace to hitler he must surely turn in his grave.
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