We here in the Collective had been wondering how Cobb, an American whom we assume must have Canadian dual citizenship, was making a living. It would seem that Vanccouver area anti-racists learned the answer to that question and decided to make their concerns known to the buisness where Cobb found employment:
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
Vancouver SHARP and ARA have recieved information that a local employer, Xantel has knowingly hired white power organizer and advocate of genocide Craig Cobb despite having full knowledge of his racist views, open advocation of mass genocide and his website podblanc.com. We are planning to meet at the Art Gallery on Saturday April 24 at 11am to make a statement to the city in general and to Xantel specifically that the hiring of known white supremacists will not be tolerated, and that doing such a thing is equvalent to condoning such acts. We would love for you and any others you wish to bring to come stand with us and make your voices heard. We will be starting at the Art Gallery with some speakers and from there moving through the streets to the business in question, on our walk we will be passing out infomation to passers by about Cobb and his history of hatred. Upon arriving at Xantel we will make our voices heard and tell this employer that in no uncertain terms, the hiring of known hate criminals will not be tolerated! Please join us in showing the city and indeed the world that there is no room for hatred. Anyone wishing to help or ask questions please feel free to email Vancouver SHARP at vancouver.sharp@gmail.com or call 604-786-9673 Warmest Regards, Blayde Sharp Skinheads Against Racial Predjudice Vancouver Chapter Anti Racist Action Vancouver Chapter
This press release came out yesterday. And what was discovered soon after? Well....:
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
Earlier this evening Vancouver Antifa members learned that Craig Cobb has been fired from Xantel DM. A huge thank you and congratulations to each and every one of you for helping to make this happen!!! The rally is still on for tommorow at 11 am. Hoping to see you all there.
In Solidarity,
Micheal Plume
Vancouver Skinheads Against Racial Predjudice
Anti Racist Action Vancouver
Des histoires de raciste au Canada, il y en a eu plusieurs. Je me demande si les médias sociaux ont aidé les citoyens de Vancouver à ce mobiliser pour contrer cette situation?
Si vous désirez en savoir davantage sur le raciste au Canada, je vous suggère l'ouvrage "De la couleur des lois : Une histoire juridique du racisme au Canada entre 1900 et 1950"
although I had a great day this just made it better
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