Monday, February 18, 2019

More Extremists Associated With Yellow Vests Convoy to Ottawa: Christopher Hayes

Well it seems the efforts of Yellow Jackets Canada Exposed and the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (and perhaps to some small extent my own) have resulted in a statement regarding David Selvers from someone who looks to be an organizer for the convoy:

Well that's just lovely, however his Facebook post last night sort of belies that claim:

In the meantime, Selvers has taken to complaining about how he's the victim of a smear campaign for.... you know.... posting exactly what he himself wrote on his blog:

If you would like to be reminded about who Dave Selvers is and what he has written, feel free to click on the following links:

Not that Selvers isn't without his champions:

Deon R. Doiron has responded to Tweets by ARC, Yellow Vests Canada Exposed, and the Canadian Anti-Hate Network that both support Selvers and the convoy:

Then there's this:

And in further news that will surprise almost no one, Doiron is a supporter of Bernier's PPC and claims to be a "founding member":

Shocked! I'm shocked!

Well, not so shocked actually.

Getting back to the Convoy to Ottawa event, while it is nice that Jason Corbeil claims that Selvers is just a "bad apple" and not indicative of the beliefs of the others involved, it takes very little to find more examples of "bad apples" like Selvers.

With that, let me reacquaint readers with someone who hasn't appeared on the blog for a while, Christopher Hayes:

Christopher Hayes first came to ARC's attention when, as someone linked to the Soldiers of Odin through his own support and through his brother who was a chapter leader in Saskatchewan, he was arrested for making threats against the Prime Minister. Hayes was eventually convicted and spent roughly a year on probation. 

He was also active in his support of the III% militia:

In addition to his anti-government (and anti-vaccination, btw) stance, Hayes was also virulently Islamophobic:

During this time he was drawn to and became a member of the WCAI (Worldwide Coalition Against Islam), soon becoming the Saskatchewan "captain":

Here his is promoting both the WCAI and their protest outside a Red Deer high school where members of the the WCAI harassed school administration and students:

He also spoke at WCAI events in Calgary, including the ill fated MEGA Patriot Rally that turned out to be considerably less than mega:

In short, Christopher Hayes appears to be kind of person, an extremist member and supporter of several hate groups, that Jason Corbeil says is decidedly NOT welcome in their convoy.

And yet....

Yeah, Christopher Hayes is one of the participants in the Ottawa convoy:

My screen shot edit is a bit messed up and I'm too lazy this evening to fix it. 

Not a good look.

And to those who might suggest Hayes' racist views were in the past and are not a reflection of what he believes now, here are a few screen shots taken over the past month that puts the lie to that claim:

And then there's his continued involvement with hate groups such as the Canadian Combat Coaltion:

This is the movement that prominent conservative politicians have gotten behind:

Yeah..... good luck with that.

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