Saturday, March 03, 2012

More Lemire Connections

A friend forwarded us a number of interesting screen shots from some of the hacked emails, including those from Kermit the Frog impersonator Bill Noble.

Back in late 2004, former WCFU co-founder and leader Glenn Bahr decided that he was going to engage in a massive (from his standpoint) flyering campaign to get out the "White Nationalist" message which would take place on January 15, 2005:

On this Stormfront thread, Bahr and other "White Nationalists" discuss how they will proceed and, once the campaign was over, brag about the success:

What is interesting though is that the discussions were not confined only to Stormfront. Much of the planning took place via email and only trusted individuals were involved in that discussion:

We provide here a close-up of the Marc Lemire reply:

So who are these members who Lemire has as contacts? Let's take a look at the person behind each of the email addresses:

Top row (left to right)

John Adams: Not much known about him except that he posts on Stormfront as “British74.”

Glenn Bahr: Founder and leader of the short-lived, WCFU. After the collapse of the WCFU he returned to BC. Richard Warman successfully brought Bahr before the CHRT.

Bill Noble: Former associate of the WCFU, later member of the Calgary-based Aryan Guard. Operates the Blood & Honour (the one based in Calgary led by Kyle McKee) website though not a member himself. Spent several months in jail after being convicted of a hate crime, though upon his release he immediately violated the terms of his parole.

Unknown individual

Todd Conroy: One time leader of Volksfront in BC. Left the leadership role soon after a serious motorcycle accident which occurred when he was travelling home after visiting former Canadian Aryan Nations leader Terry Long.

Known individual removed for reasons known to author.

Jessica Beaumont: Former associate of the WCFU and Glenn Bahr. In a relationship with Ciaran Donnelly. Richard Warman successfully brought Beaumont before the CHRT.

Ciaran Donnelly: Former associate of the WCFU and one of Bahr’s closest friends. Richard Warman successfully brought Donnelly before the CHRT (mediation).

Bottom row (left to right)

Paul Fromm:  A figure in far right politics since the late 1960s when he co-founded the Edmund Burke Society which later transformed into the overtly neo-Nazi Western Guard (Fromm left some months after this occurred). He went on to form a number of far right groups such as C-FAR and CAFE. Has been associated with groups including but not limited to the Heritage Front, Volksfront, Northern Alliance, Canadian Heritage Alliance, Aryan Guard, Blood & Honour and American groups such as the KKK, the Council of Conservative Citizens, and the Institute for Historical Review.

Known individual: Formerly a member of the Tri-City Skins in Ontario, became a member and eventual leader of Volksfront in Vancouver. Shawn Macdonald was a groomsman at his wedding, however there was some sort of falling out and Macdonald went on to form Blood & Honour BC.

Jeff Hughes: Posted online as, “nishinexile” and member of the white separatist, the Northwest FrontKilled in police shootout in Nanaimo, BC in October 2009.

John Beck: Posted on Stormfront as, “Renegade.” Operated the white supremacist, bcwhitepride website before it was shut down. Successfully brought before the CHRT.

Unknown individual

Melissa Guille: Founder and leader of the white supremacist Canadian Heritage Alliance. Richard Warman successfully brought Guille before the CHRT.

Tara Dribnenki: Posted as, “love2hate” and later, “WindsorForest” on Stormfront. Brought up in Alberta, Dribnenki  was at the centre of a number of racist groups in Montreal. Later began a white nationalist music career touring racist music festivals in Europe and later producing one cd…. whch considering her discernible lack of musical talent was quite a feat.

Chris Vickers:  From Ontario and posted as, “ChrisV” on Stormfront and "ctv28" on the Blood & Honour forums, the latter of which he acted as a forum moderator.

Quite a cast of characters to choose to associate with, eh?

1 comment:

  1. Chris Vickers is a name I havent heard in a while. whats going on with that guy?
