Saturday, March 16, 2019

Anti-Yellow Vest Protest in Edmonton: Counter Protester From the Clann Hate Group Arrested

At the Alberta Legislature an anti-Yellow Vests protest took place calling the movement out on their ties to overt racists and racist groups such as the Nouns of Odin, Northern Guard, and other hate groups. In response, the Yellow Vesters counter-protested.... along side the Nouns of Odin, Northern Guard, and other hate groups:

So.... thank you for proving the point I guess?

Journalist Carly Robinson reported on the event:

As a bit of an aside, it is a bit galling to hear Jeff Sharpe claim that the there are no Yellow Vesters who are racists given his own history associating with groups such as the Worldwide Coalition against Islam and the Canadian Combat Coalition.

In any case, an interesting incident occurred during the protest.

One of the Clann members was arrested, evidently on outstanding warrants:

Ms. Robinson witnessed the arrest and included a photo in her Tweet:

ARC readers will recognize the man being led away in handcuffs as the man in the following photograph alongside Clann leader Tyson Hunt attending a United Conservative Party event in October 2018:

"Jim Slahey", real name apparently Mike Kirkland, was profiled in another article in December 2019 highlighting the antisemitic posts on his Facebook page including this one:

Kirkland also two other Facebook profiles under the name "Jim Kirk" containing some of the same white nationalist imagery and memes:

Among the images was this one which includes Kirkland referring to the Christchurch tragedy in which 50 Muslim worshipers were murdered:

Honestly, their lack of humanity and any sort of decency doesn't even surprise me any longer.

Some of the Yellow Vest members, including Win Nay who has links to groups such as the Soldiers of Odin, Proud Boys, and Canadian Combat Coalition (I believe he is the Alberta leader of this last group) have grown tired of the Clann presence at their events seeing them as a liability. This exchange resulted in a bit of a tussle:

Is there any group that Ryan Dean is associated with that doesn't result in fighting with other groups and ultimately tearing itself apart by internal bickering? The experts say no.

On that note, Joey Deluca is coming out of hibernation and is planning another super massive mega jumbo rally-to-end-all-rallies (until it falls apart) in Edmonton on March 29:

More on this in a future article. Suffice it to say for now that Dan Dubois of the Canadian Combat Coalition, a man with a bit of a history with Clann co-leader Ryan Dean (who founded the CCC but was dumped by Dubois and co.), plans on coming to Edmonton.

Note they he and Deluca, once an ally of Dean now enemy, plan on saying hi to Ryan when they arrive.... with their fists I guess:

They all seem so nice....


  1. Oh dear, ad Fat Joe so recently out of hospital. If I were Joey, I'd take a (double by-) pass on this one.

  2. Jim Slahey= Jim Kirk
