Tuesday, January 04, 2011

White Pride March Planning and More Dirty Laundry Aired

On March 21, 2008 the Aryan Guard organized an event they termed a, "White Pride." A little over three dozen boneheads showed up, however well over 200 Calgarians opposed to the Aryan Guard also showed up to protest their presence in the city.

On March 21, 2009 the Aryan Guard organized a second march which as attended by a larger number of boneheads. Calgarians rose to the challenge, resulting in as many as 500+ coming out to oppose the hatred represented by the Aryan Guard, W.E.B., Paulie and other boneheads.

On March 21, 2010, Calgarians who were against everything that the Aryan Guard stands for came out again in large numbers on March 21, however, few boneheads were present. They had good excuses for the no-show though. Most of them were in jail.

Well, it looks like Kyle McKee and the Aryan Guard.... whoops.... we mean Blood & Honour, are going to give it another try this year, however there are a few snags that they may be facing that could put a kibosh on their plans:

It doesn't surprise us that they are planning another march. As a good friend of the blog observed, they would loose face if they didn't stage another event after the disaster of the previous year. However, we are very interested in the claims made by McKee that the police are not going to allow the march from occurring owing to the violence that resulted last time.

Now, we don't take anything said by McKee at face value. Being the suspicious folk we tend to be, we could envision McKee's claim being an effort to bolster their image in the eyes of their fellow travelers (and in White Nationalist circles, their image is in desperate need of improvement). Perhaps the police never told McKee that they would not allow the march to occur, allowing McKee to claim they will defy the ban without any real consequence. They could say they stood up to the police, and the police backed down.

Then again, McKee's claim could be accurate which is even more interesting. If Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) do march in defiance of the police, and the police don't do anything, then McKee's gang could very well be emboldened by an apparent victory. If, however, McKee's group does march and the police do stop them, then McKee could potentially face some pretty significant legal repercussions, as may be in violation of the terms of his release from jail.

McKee's post on Stormfront immediately resulted in the different Blood & Honour factions attacking each other, which is always fun to watch:

Hmmm, poor punctuation, grammar, and capitalization. THAT is the McKee we've come to know and love. We noticed that first post contained very few McKee-isms and looked like it was composed by a reasonably literate individual. It appears we weren't the only ones:

As if on cue, a poster we believe to be Natalie chimes in soon after:

One could imagine how this display would embarrass their fellow travelers on Stormfront:

But it's not over, as Ms. Cahill also adds her $0.02:

Rob Reitmeier provides the coup de grĂ¢ce before the thread is closed by one of the moderators (we mean, if W.E.B. doesn't want to be lumped in with the Aryan Guard, then goodness knows they are a blight in the White Nationalist movement):

Ladies and gentlemen, we present once again the realities of White Nationalist unity.


  1. druggiz and drunkz make up blood and honor now? hahaha

  2. LOL @ this whole bit.

    It's entertaining to see V. Cahill criticizing others given her "talents" in the "movement"... especially given the fact she's actually SLEPT WITH the head honcho from C-18 In the USA, Bart.

    Casting spells, causing drama, being an obsessive weirdo over the corpse of David Lane, hardline "wp" feminist... the list goes on and on.


  3. Go white power, yayyyyy.....

    Love how Reitmeir is all self-righteous. As if he's not a piece of shit scumbag either. Hopefully news of his wife being preggers is just a rumor as I cannot fathom him being capable of raising a dog, let alone a child.

  4. Kyle is not Blood & Honour. Blood & Honour Calgary is no more. Kyle just thinks he has the right to say that is who he is. Almost everyone knows this story. Your insiders are slacking.

  5. you know, i still wonder what makes these people so proud to be white. being white has nothing to do with who you are as a person, just like having green eyes, black hair, or being right handed has nothing to do with it. it's how you were born! if a white person did something good in the past then that is something HE or SHE can be proud of, not YOU! what about all the bad things done by white people? aren't most serial killers white? is that something to be proud of?

  6. Kyles best friend has non white children and a non white ex. How does this work?

  7. Well alot of women within the movement sleep around as there are alot of skinhead men to be with. I for instance have slept with Mike Lawrence and have now moved to a lovely Canadian Shaun Morris all the while keeping it within VF of course One Front One Family!!

  8. Isn't it funny how I post comments using other people's names? I will never get caught because I am too smart. I also love using exclamation points!!!!!!

  9. NEVER ceases to amaze the patheticness of the right winged scum!!!!
    The right took a friend and brother away and turned him into a HATEMENGERING biggot and now he is married to a VK memeber (MK)
    Thx alot for brainwahshing a comrade who was ANTIFA and punk etc....
    Hopefully he will wake up and realize the err of his ways some day before it is too late....
    Shaun if you can read this...No matter the feelings you harbour towards me you are still loved like a brother...
    SKUNK 4 life....
