Monday, August 05, 2019

John Carpay, Christine Blatchford, and Paul Fromm Walk Into An Award Banquet....

.... and this isn't the set-up for a joke, though one might suggest the subjects are a bit of a joke in their own right.

Back in November I wrote an article in which it was noted that Ezra Levant provided press credentials to a man involved in a number of hate groups, who had just gotten off house arrest after being convicted of assaulting a former girlfriend, and who would in the new year make news for harassing members of an Edmonton-area mosque:

Also at this event was John Carpay of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, ostensibly a grassroots organization promoting freedom of speech but which seems to be yet another AstroTurf group promoting a right-wing agenda.

Last year Mr. Carpay, a close associate of now Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, faced criticism for comparing the rainbow flag used by the LGBTQ community and supporters to the Soviet and Nazi flags not once...

.... but at least twice:

And while Kenney did comment on the issue, he didn't boot Carpay from the UCP as had been demanded:

Kenney's alt-right Rebel Media contingent also came to Carpay's defence:

Cut to June 2019. Carpay's Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms was having their second annual banquet and "free speech" award ceremony. Who was the first recipient of the George Jonas Freedom Award you ask?

Of COURSE it would be Mark Steyn!

In any case, true to form the second annual recipient of the award was the equally noxious Christie Blatchford (her article about Rehtaeh Parsons alone should inform readers about the lack of human decency that she has). The award was given to her in the middle of June though ARC didn't learn about it until this Sunday when Paul Fromm posted this photograph to his Facebook profile:

Seems that Paulie was a welcome guest at Carpay's event.

Fromm himself had nothing but praise for Ms. Blatchford:

It should be noted that Sears was eventually found guilty of promoting hate against a number of visible groups though his sentence has been delayed at least twice now.

I don't know. As the past few days have illustrated, I think a much greater danger are the white supremacists who have been further radicalized by the likes of Sears and Fromm.

I mean sure, the #me too movement IS a threat.... you know.... to serial sexual abusers.

But since Ms. Blatchford seems to have never been especially concerned with sexual abuse and harassment, I guess that isn't a surprise.

John Carpay, Christine Blatchford, and Paul Fromm.

Again, talk about the company one keeps.

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