Back in January when Justin Trudeau was participating in a number of town halls across the country, he was also being heckled by some of the folks ARC has covered on the blog. One of those groups was the Storm Alliance, a group created by the former president of the Quebec Soldiers of Odin chapter (and the vice-president of the national group). They generally remained silent during the town hall, though their presence was intended to be intimidating I suppose.
A few days ago, the Storm Alliance confronted Mr. Trudeau in a much more overt manner:
A few days ago, the Storm Alliance confronted Mr. Trudeau in a much more overt manner:
“Ok, Madame,” Trudeau responded. “This intolerance towards immigrants has no room in Canada.”— VICE Canada (@vicecanada) August 19, 2018
PM Trudeau "confronted" by FarRight member who is part of Quebec bigot group, with a post about "making a fake terror attack" to "wake the people up." #cdnpoli— Mubin Shaikh (@MrMubinShaikh) August 19, 2018
Our friend in Quebec "Le Troupeau" on Twitter has the story:
Retour sur une vidéo qui fait le tour d'internet.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 18, 2018
À un rassemblement où @JustinTrudeau parlait, une dame lui pose une question et elle est rapidement approchée par des membres de la @grcrcmppolice.
Ici la vidéo est partagée par plusieurs personnalités.
Ce qui ne savent pas...
C'est que c'était préparé.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 18, 2018
En fait, lorsque l'on regarde la vidéo on peut voir la dame parler à un certain "Mario"
Qui est ce Mario?
Il s'agit de Mario Dallaire. En effet, il ne cesse d'attirer l'attention sur les réseaux sociaux sur le fait qu'il était là. Il décrit même sous une vidéo ce qu'il portait.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 18, 2018
Or Mario nous explique qu'ils devaient être environ 50 à se présenter mais que finalement ils étaient 9 et que la madame a fait ce qu'elle devait faire.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 18, 2018
Alors je pose cette question, pourquoi donner l'impression que c'était une pauvre femme alors que c'était un groupe organisé?
Une autre question, n'est-ce pas normal que la GRC s'inquiètent de gens qui font partie d'un groupe qui est proche de l'extrême droite ? Un membre de ce groupe parlait même de faire un faux attentat pour réveiller les gens...— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 18, 2018
Mario Dallaire confirme ce que je viens de dire en publiant la photo et le nom de la femme qui a été interpellée par la GRC lors d'un rassemblement où @JustinTrudeau était invité. Elle s'appelle Diane Blain et fait partie d'un groupe d'extrême droite qui avait planifié la sortie— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 18, 2018
Elle semble être une "angry péquiste" @partiquebecois et aussi, elle est membre du groupe Facebook Storm Alliance, un groupe d'extrême droite.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 18, 2018
Un jour avant de faire son "coup d'éclat" avec son groupe de gens, Diane Blain commentait le "coup d'éclat" de la Meute, où une certaine Chantaline prenait un selfie avec Justin, cette dernière parlait de peloton d'execution pour Justin:— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 19, 2018
Diane Blain semble faire partie du même groupe que Bo Bois, cet homme qui circulait avec une voiture aux couleurs du PQ.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 19, 2018
Une autre preuve que le groupe de Mario Dallaire préparait leur coup, Mario voulait aller en Abitibi où la Meute préparait leur coup. Mais finalement, il semble s'être rabattu sur la ferme Reid à St-Jean sur Richelieu— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 19, 2018
Finalement, notre ami Mario Dallaire publie une photo de Bo Bois (celui à la voiture aux couleurs du PQ) où on fantasme de faire sauter la statue de PET. Alors que Diane Blain explique, sous un vidéo la concernant, que le FLQ n'étaient pas des violents..— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 19, 2018
Des photos sur le groupe Front Patriotique du Québec montre que ce sont des membres de ce groupes qui étaient présents, pendant que la dame était avec les policiers un autre s'est approché du premier ministre.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 19, 2018
Sur une autre photo on voit Mario Dallaire être #onestpasracistes
Diane Blain fait bien partie du groupe Front Patriotique du Québec, et dans le groupe, elle promet qu'elle reverra Trudeau.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 19, 2018
This next one is especially important:
Un des admins de ce groupe Stéphane Dufresne parlait de faire un "faux attentat terroriste" pour réveiller les gens. Il est aussi membre de la Meute.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 19, 2018
Finalement, Diane Blain est la même personne qui avait refusé de se faire servir par une étudiante voilée à la clinique dentaire de l'UdeM.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 19, 2018
— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 19, 2018
UPDATE: "Le Troupeau" provides an English-language summary as well.
Ok for the English speakers, I'll try to summarize the tweets I did on my twitter account concerning the heckler at a Justin Trudeau's event in Quebec.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
Sorry in advance for the mistakes and I'll try to do my best to be clear.
Yesterday and today, many people shared a video of a lady who heckled the prime minister.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
Of course there was more in to that story that many people didn't know. It seems like it was prepared and staged in advance.
In the video, at some point, the lady is calling a man. She says "Hey Mario, I am under arrest"— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
Who is that Mario and why does he has "Patriotes" flags in his hands...
Mario is Mario Dallaire, he is member of a Facebook group who is called Front Patriotique du Québec. And he kept attracting attention to him by saying he was present at the event. He also described what he was wearing and it matches the guy who is appearing in the video above...— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
Under one of theses posts, he explains in French, that they were supposed to be 50 but ended up being only 9, he defends himself because someone is saying that he didn't defend the lady. He also says that "she did what she needed to do" and that "we were spread to work better"— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
The lady wasn't the only one who approached the prime minister. On their Facebook page, they posted many photos and a video of another man who asked a question about the "MacDonald statue removal" and "the Jinnah Park". I'll upload the video later on that thread— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
In the same Facebook group, Front Patriotique du Québec, we can see a photo of Mario Dallaire on the event's site complaining that there was a woman with a veil and that they will think (I suppose the muslims) that he wants to kiss their feet.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
Some days earlier, he was even trying to get to another Justin Trudeau's event in Abitibi and a lady called "Diane Blain" alerted him of an event in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu. After that he was recruiting people to disrupt the event....— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
So who is "Diane Blain" that alerted Mario Dallaire of the event in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, well she is the heckler who asked the question to Justin Trudeau. She seems to have gotten some inspiration from La Meute a far-right group who did a similar "stunt" in an event in Abitibi— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
We know she is the heckler because Mario Dallaire shared a post where you can see Mario Dallaire on the right and Diane Blain "first lady to be respected in the country"— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
This photo was taken at an anti-immigration rally the day after.
Details in FR here:
She is also member of that Front Patriotique du Québec group, and she made the news in 2015 because she refused to be served by a muslim women at the Dental Clinic of Université de Montréal. She is also a convinced PQ voter and appears on a PQ candidate's Facebook page— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
Finally, a bit more on the Front Patriotique du Québec. This is a Far-right Québec nationalist group who is against islam and immigration. They fantasise about blowing up a statue of Pierre Elliot Trudeau (probably related to the MacDonald statue ?)— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
And last winter, an admin of this group, on a different MeWe group called Patriotes du Québec, said that "we would need to make a fake terrorist attack to wake up people" under Phénix Le Patriote he then changed his name for Stéphane le Patriote. In another post he shared a photo— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
Then he made the mistake of posting a similar photo on the page of Dave Treg, the ex leader of Soldiers of Odin and Storm Alliance. He also posted on that MeWe group photos of his shooting drills...— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
Again he's an admin of Front Patriotique du Québec
Note on the last images, that the name under Dave Treg's publication and in that MeWe group are similar, Lucien Lalonde....— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
I am not saying that they are dangerous, but they are worrying and to portray the lady only as a lady is misleading and far from the truth...
The person who uploaded the video of the lady getting arrested, also uploaded a video of another man asking two questions to Trudeau. At 0:10 we see Diane and Mario. At 3:31 the other man with Trudeau— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
My bad the second question is not about Jinnah park
Also the person who filmed the Diane Blain getting questioned by the RCMP and the other video with the other member of Front Patriotique du Québec, that man is also a member of the Facebook group Front Patriotique du Québec.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
These guys went there knowing what they were doing.
Here is a photo of the anti immigration rally the day after Diane Blain heckled Justin Trudeau. Diane Blain was at the rally as well as Mario Dallaire and some members of the Front Patriotique du Québec— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
I have been told that she was also member of La Meute and of Storm Alliance, two far-right groups.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
She commented on La Meute Facebook group but because she deleted another account that she was using only the answers to her comments are now visible.
Carl Brochu who filmed the video also works for Radio Info Cité, a radio that gives a lot of attention to far right groups, DMS, La Meute, Storm Alliance.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
He admitted in a radio interview that he was invited to film there a couple of days before the event
Other people also who seems to be linked to the Front Patriotique du Quebec did another "stunt" at the City Hall in Montréal. They put Quebec flags to protest against @Val_Plante because they believe she doesn't put the flag of Quebec during sessions...— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 20, 2018
For total transparency, now they say it's not them and that it was a personal initiative. Can we trust them, as the person who was filming is part of that group, Mario Dallaire and Richard Majeau who also asked a question. It seems like they are trying to save their image.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 21, 2018
They also said they wouldn't participate to the Pierre Dion's rally in Laval and they did. Indeed, we can see a guy wearing a poster from Front Patriotique du Québec. So really they are not against immigration ? What they are saying and doing is not matching.— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 21, 2018
More in English about the Front Patriotique du Québec— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 21, 2018
It's probably an action by some members not talking to the rest of the group
At some point in the video of Sabrevois Diane Blain seems to be making threats to a man on her left. She signals the man to the cameraman and someone else further back. The man with the earpiece (police?) approaches her and says "Are making threats?"— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 21, 2018
At some point in the video of Sabrevois Diane Blain seems to be making threats to a man on her left. She signals the man to the cameraman and someone else further back. The man with the earpiece (police?) approaches her and says "Are you making threats?"— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 21, 2018
She seems to be saying something on the lines of "Ferme ta gueule parce que je t'en crisse une" Which means "shut your mouth or i'll hit you"— Le Troupeau (@LetroupeauQC) August 21, 2018
Can you provide translation for French language info please?
ReplyDeleteWould it be possible for you to post this with an English translation?