Wednesday, February 01, 2012

CBC Discusses Nazi Hack

We alluded to this in the previous post. This evening an investigative report by the CBC has helped to expose the views of the boneheads we cover here. The focus of the story was on the hacked emails and websites that were published not long ago.

We were sent some of these files independently by our friends in Europe and North America. And while we don't plan on publishing anything from those files right now, they certainly have resulted in a number of new lines of inquiry. Here are a few initial observations:
  • The racist movement in Canada is fractured as hell. There is even more infighting and paranoia than we had thought there was (and we already knew there was a lot). Members of even the same groups turn on each other at the drop of the hat. Yeah, we know that it doesn't seem like we're telling our readers anything new, but it really is far more prevalent than even we had expected.
  • For all their talk of family and the "14 words," the racist movement is rife with infidelity, domestic abuse and cheating the system (i.e. welfare fraud)
  • Violence and support for violence is endemic. In spite of (or perhaps because of) the factionalism that exists, these people are extremely dangerous.
  • On a specific note, we know that when Kyle McKee was on the run from the police that he was eventually picked up in Winnipeg. What we learned confirmed our suspicion that the person he was staying with was Bill Noble.
And Bill, you really aren't helping your case all that much when you do interview but please keep it up because it makes our job a lot easier


  1. So why isn't Bill charged with hiding a fugitive? Kyle was hiding there. When the cops raided the house that night to get Kyle they knew who Bill was right? So why wasn't he taken into custody as well? Bill should actually be in jail for alot things. Not paying taxes because he's a so called freeman. What a joke. He's never filed a tax return in his life and i'm paying for this prick to live? Something isn't right here. Hiding a known gang memeber. All his wesites should be shut down. Funny though he has the money to pay to keep them up and running.

  2. Is Bill Noble living in Winnipeg now?

  3. Why not just release the entire list or post a link to where the list is found?

    Is this the list that was got well over a year ago?

  4. Noble has been living in Winnipeg for 2 years now. And he's another white guy that doesn't support his kid. Way to go WP idiots. I however do as a TAXPAYER.

  5. Its truly a very sad day for Nationalists.Having a freak "representing" their movement.Bill noble needs to shut the fuck up and take a shower

  6. People of all political persuasions need to be very cautious about this sort of thing.

    I would observe that a list of "white supremacist" or neo-Nazi contacts might include all sorts of people including government agents who have infiltrated groups, casual contacts who do not share the core philosophy, even Richard Warman doing his research!

    And beyond that, there's the question of citizens of a foreign country invading the privacy of Canadian citizens and residents for a reason that is essentially political in nature. It might occur to Chinese or Iranian hackers to publish lists of persons opposed to Chinese trade or Iranian influence in the Middle East. It might occur to conservatives to publish lists of Canadian communists. Who's to say what is worthy of being exposed, and what is not fair game? And what recourse is there for persons smeared by association that is either incidental or not prohibited by law? For example, lawyers who defend alleged neo-Nazis are often themselves accused of being sympathizers, yet we have a well-established principle in our common law of the right to a sound defence. This is overlooked or ignored at our peril. And it does no good to have two sets of rules, one for the far right, and one for the far left. Many believe these are equal scourges on a free society.

    Also, there is the simple question of relevance. The law should be applied to actions, not to beliefs or opinions. The implication of these exposes would be that anyone on the list is likely to commit some kind of offence, but until they do, this kind of interference is nothing more than invasion of privacy.

    Communists have killed a hundred million people since 1917. I would ask some of you this, are you about to kill somebody? I didn't think so -- but it's the same logic being applied against you.

    -- Peter O'Donnell

  7. Anon 2 February, 2012 11:19 AM: There were several earlier leaks. The one CBC is working from is from Operation Blitzkieg and contains the names of 75 members and contacts of Blood and Honour in Canada.
