Friday, March 25, 2011

Are We Childish? Yes. And Your Point?

Since it's been almost a week since the, "big" event, we thought we would have a little fun with the help of a dear reader/contributor who loves playing with Photoshop.

In a post in which we see the Blood & Honour crowd crying that they aren't able to go to city hall, one can't help but notice Mike Gaio's efforts to rally the troops. One of our readers made the following observation:

I can't stop laughing at puddles in this video!!!! He [Gaio] seriously has some little man syndrome going on... hahahaha "OK guys lets go! I'm the head honcho here now, all you big guys follow under my tiny command." I'd like to rename him Napoleon. 

Well don't we have a treat for you! Ladies and gentlemen, may we introduce you to Michael "Napoleon Puddles" Gaio:

With Mike here, one kind of need to wonder exactly what IS he doing with that hand of his?

And just because the reader was having fun, we would like our readers to meet a true distortionist in Bill Noble.

Or, should we say contortionist?

Now try getting this picture out of your head.

UPDATE (March 27): Okay, more reader-created fun:


  1. At least we now know how many boneheads need to be in jail before anyone puts Puddles in charge of anything: 6... no wait, 7? I lost count.

  2. I'm not sure I'll ever sleep again. That said, it could have come out a whole lot more disturbing. Imagine if I'd used this instead:

  3. you guys must be pretty bored to be coming up with this drivol.

  4. I ran into a couple of skinheads at a bar in NE Calgary last night. One of 'em was giving a 30 minute lecture to my drunk buddies on how Nazi Germany was an ideal society. Kinda looked like this Gaio guy, but he had a nose-ring and I think he said his name was Kevin. He had a taller buddy with a tattoo on his neck who didn't say much to us. I wasn't lookin' for a fight but I told the guy to shut his trap and leave cuz I couldn't stand listening to him. It all ended peaceably, but probably could have gone either way. I was just surprised to hear the crazy shit coming out of this guy's mouth.

  5. Where are the Edmonton bonehead hangouts? Anyone know where their usual "cesspool" is? Just so, you know, we can "argue" with them and stuff, no crazy shit... ;)

  6. Anonymous 3 - It's spelled "drivel" and I wasn't bored. I was having fun with photoshop.

  7. That would be the Strathcona hotel bar on whyte avenue(the strat), at least in the past where they've been tolerated by the bouncers there. Mead Hall as well.

  8. Mead Hall was created by White Supremacists

  9. Last time I lived in Edmonton the Strat was home to the worst beer around. Now I guess it's home to the worst clientele around.

  10. the strat is where the trads in edmonton hang out and they dont tolerate boneheads so i would be surprised to find them there on a regular basis

  11. Then I withdraw my comment regarding the clientele. Has the beer gotten better though? They were flogging something called "Drummond Dry" IIRC (this was about 20 years ago). It was vile.

  12. Davegeek, I haven't been there in about three years, but I don't think the beer is any better than 20 years ago. I ended up with the worst hangover I've had since, well, probably the last time I went to the Strat.The terrycloth table covers are gone but the service is just as surly (and awesome) as ever. Man I used to love that place.

  13. I'm dating mike gaio's cousin lmfaoooooooo
