Monday, May 13, 2019

Kevin J. Johnston Hit With 2.5 Million Dollar Judgement

So, remember when Ron Banerjee settled with Mr. Mohamad Fakih of Paramount Fine Foods who sued both Banerjee and Kevin Johnston based on an especially vile slander that a Superior Court of Justice judge ruled that videotaped comments “involve hallmarks of hate” and do not relate to a matter of public interest?

Suffice it to say, Banerjee decided to take the wiser course and Kevin "the Poodle" Johnston is now going to pay heavily for his poor decision:

Upon learning about the judgement, Joohnston responded with the grace and dignity that he is known for:

The lawsuit began two years ago. The reason there was "no trial" is because Johnston refused to mount a defence.

In the two videos he posted, Johnston appears to further libel Mr. Fakih accusing him of perjury and suggesting he has links to terrorism in Burma (he further claimed that Muslim members of the Trudeau cabinet are members of the Muslim brotherhood, promoted an anti-Muslim "documentary" he claims to have produced, and tries to sell viewers t-shirts featuring Rodrigo Duterte).

The first of the two videos however seemed to be devoted to attacking a "Toronto Star" journalist who wanted to ask him about his reaction to the judgement. Johnston can't seem to understand how a journalist might be able to learn about the judgement and calls the journalist a liar repeatedly suggesting that Paramount Fine Foods tipped him off:

Of course, given that the ruling finding that Johnston had libeled Mr. Fakih came out in April, perhaps it shouldn't be a surprise to learn that some journalist might have taken an interest in the judgement to come.

Johnston claims he's going to appeal. I don't see that ending well. I would further note that his troubles aren't over has he is facing a lawsuit from Kevin Metcalf....

From May 10, 2019

....and he is facing criminal prosecution:

Don't pity the poodle.

He's had it coming.

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