Saturday, February 23, 2019

Yellow Vesters and Others, Including (Former?) Soldier Continuing to Engage In Assassination Fantasies

On Thursday, Privy Council Clerk Michael Wernick appeared before the House of Commons justice committee to address questions concerning SNC-Lavalin, however he also discussed the increasingly dangerous political climate specifically referring to an incident during the United We Roll/Yellow Vests rally that occurred earlier in the week:

Wernick spoke about his concern that the language being used by some politicians were examples of, "violence-inciting rhetoric that may lead to an assassination during the upcoming federal election campaign." A number of politicians on the right criticized Mr. Wernick as well as others who echoed his concerns:

Of course this blog as well as Yellow Vests Canada Exposed, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, and a number of journalist have already provided ample evidence for Mr. Wernick's and Ms. Khalid's statements:

Mr. Wernick's concerns were dismissed by Yellow Vests Canada founder and Facebook group administrator Marc "Tyler" Malenfant who suggested that any attempt to murder a Canadian politician would be a "false flag" which is the claim made by similar groups whenever the toxic rhetoric results in a real world tragedy. Not surprisingly he used the recent case of Jussie Smollett to make his point:

Also not surprisingly, those posting responded agreed:

Of course one can already see the problem with Malenfant's claim in that even in this thread many reactionary Yellow Vest members are openly hoping for the assassination of the prime minister. Also problematic is that prior to Malenfant suggesting that any attempt to murder Trudeau would be a false flag, the topic was already being discussed on the group's Facebook page:

There are two threads responding to this specific link. I would first note that it is a link not to a reputable news site, but that of the Cultural Action Party, a fringe ethnic nationalist party run by Brad Salzberg who has ties to hate groups including the Soldiers of Odin and the Worldwide Coalition Against Islam. The title itself is misleading; Mr. Wernick wasn't specifically referring to the SNC-Lavalin situation but to the general political atmosphere. Also, while Wernick doesn't specifially refer to Trudeau, those commenting assume that he is referring to the prime minister as the potential target and theeyyyyy LOVE that!

There is also a longer second thread referring to the same Cultural Action Party link:

There's a lot to be concerned about in this second thread, including the first two posts made by this guy:

It seems our new friend Wayne Strudwick is at least a former, and perhaps current, member of the Canadian Forces:

Yellow Vests Canada Exposed has also documented some of the assassination fantasies on the Yellow Vests Canada group page:

The reactionary Yellow Vest supporters of course aren't the only ones actually hoping that their ideological opponents are murdered. While I haven't checked out all of the sites I monitor, these are the ones that came up in my sockpuppet's feed without my even having to look:

A Million Canadian Deplorables March Against Trudeau:

Remember when these people complain about foreign aid or helping refugees and
they use the example of the homeless or conditions on many First Nations' reserves
as why Canadians should "take care of our own" first? 

SAY NO to Justin Trudeau:

Corey Wilson writes that killing Trudeau and his family would be
doing Canada a favor and that no one would convict the murderer

Justin Trudeau's three children are aged 4, 10 and 11.

The Conservative Party and the PPC seem to think the threat of political assassination is far fetched and appear to ready to double-down on language that could incite some of their more unhinged supporters.

If they can't see the danger in what they are doing and refuse to tone down the rhetoric, I think this will be less of a case of "if" and more a case of "when".

1 comment:

  1. Dear ARC, there have been in the last week 2 fires in the Maritimes, both covered by mainstream media. Both fires were of houses that had Syrian refugees living in them. The first fire killed 7 children (Halifax, NS). The second fire occurred at a house with 8 refugees, this happened in Fredericton, NB. This is very suspicious, as you may remember the failed arson of a hotel in the GTA last year that housed refugees. Please look into this and prioritize it over all else. Thank you for your help.
