Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Ezra Is Getting Good At Begging For Forgiveness: Part II

We're working on a few projects that are currently occupying our collective attention, but we thought we would provide an update on our previous post.

To recap, Levant's "Rebel Media" ran a book review of Connie Fournier's book excoriating the Harper Conservatives. However, the review was pulled after Richard Warman complained of defamatory material that appeared in the review. 

In the end, no one is defamed, no one is sued, and all are happy.


Well.... not so much.

"I am weighing my legal options."

I can't help chuckle at the irony of a person commenting critically about Richard Warman who has successfully sued conservative Internet personalities for defamation going on to imply he may very well sue one of those same Internet personalities for defamation because that Internet personality pulled an article which may have been defamatory towards Richard Warman.

Sort of makes one a little dizzy actually.

Two further comments, and well as one response by Jay Currie, follow:

They all seem like suck lovely people.


  1. Love to see Ezra Levant flailing about.

    PS - I think you may have had a Freudian slip, of sorts, in your final sentence - "They all seem like suck lovely people."

  2. How charming of you to reprint my material. As ever, thank you. Even when Ez runs away I know I can count on ARC to keep the banner of freedom flying.

  3. How charming of you to reprint my material. As ever, thank you. Even when Ez runs away I know I can count on ARC to keep the banner of freedom flying.
