Friday, April 24, 2015

Winnicki Donates to Free Dominion's Warman Appeal: Part II

There are a few things in life that are predictable.

Death. Taxes. And Tomasz Winnicki will respond to a blog post in which he is explicitly referred to.

A few days ago we had noted that Winnicki had made a donation to the Fourniers' legal fund established to appeal the defamation suit they had lost. As a result of having been found to have defamed Richard Warman, the Fourniers/Free Dominion and two other posters were assessed a considerable penalty. We mentioned that the Fourniers had yet to repudiate the donation at that time, though we suggested we would give them the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps they hadn't heard of Tom Winnicki (though he did post on their forum occasionally if memory serves; he may or may not have been banned) or perhaps they had not yet noticed his contribution. Certainly they wouldn't take money from someone like Tomasz Winnicki if they knew better, would they?

Though we did send a link to the article to the Fourniers via twitter, we didn't expect to hear from them regarding the matter. We were sure that we would eventually hear from Tommy.

And we did hear from him.

The first one in response to a comment Winnicki made regarding his belief that it should be perfectly fine for underage children to engage in sexting and for any accompanying harassment that might follow isn't exactly germane to his contributions to the Free Dominion legal fund, but it does say a great deal about a man who still lives at home with his elderly mother and who will be turning 40 in November. But he soon does get to the main point:

We think our readers will know where this is going.

Of COURSE Tommy was going to donate $14. We're going to go out on a limb and bet a future donation of $88 is also a possibility. We do think it's rather cute that Tom thinks he's an "Aryan" in the National Socialist sense of the word considering his background

In our first post on this subject, we asked the following question:

But hell! You have to have SOME standards when soliciting donations, don't you? If we agree on nothing else, might we at least agree that donations from virulent racists and anti-Semites like Tomasz Winnicki should be rejected?

Again, Tommy has been very helpful in helping us answer this question:

Standards? Bah! It would seem that we don't agree that donations from virulent racists and anti-Semites like Tomasz Winnicki should be rejected.

Thank you Tomasz. Your contribution has been most enlightening and helpful. As a reward we will also include the other posts you made because the too are illuminating (not necessarily in the way he thinks though): 

We're sure that you would Tom.

We're sure that you would. ;)


  1. It looks like Mr. Winnicki doesn't want to be anonymous. (This could be interesting)

  2. Tomasz Winnicki30 April 2015 at 16:49

    "And Tomasz Winnicki will respond to a blog post in which he is explicitly referred to."

    You just admitted to your readers that you don't post many/most of my comments, i.e. that you are a coward. Not as big of a coward as Mr. Lowbag, I'll give you that.
