Saturday, May 17, 2014

Fallout from the Free Press Article

First, it looks like the Southern Ontario Skinheads have a new member:

More on Brodie Walsh later. Trust us. He's a real catch for the SOS and sure to fit right in.

Back on May 9, "The London Free Press" published an article on an event hosted by an associate of the Southern Ontario Skinheads which, while billed as a birthday party, also appeared to be a gathering of the boneheads which is sort of like the gathering of the juggalos, but with less face paint and more racism:

The reaction to the article? Not exactly unexpected.

First, it wasn't an ARC member who was the victim of
a home invasion. Second, Hynes really needs to
learn how to talk to girls. He's not very good at it.

The article also appears to have resulted in a degree of discomfort, as members of the Kingston branch of the SOS appear (at least as of now) to have gone AWOL:

"The London Free Press" did a follow-up on May 11 dealing with the phenomenon of organized racism in the context of freedom of speech. When asked our views, we provided the following response:

“Just as they are free to offend, others have the right to be critical of that speech,” a spokesperson said by e-mail. “There is a lot to criticize when one examines the views of the SOS and like-minded groups.”

In all honestly, we are pleased us punch when boneheads are allowed to say or write stuff like this sort of rhetoric really does expose who these cretins are:


We do find it interesting that the Southern Ontario Skinhead's commitment to free speech doesn't seem to extend to their own ideological opposition:

Yeah, Dan Phillips is one of the Kingston members of the SOS.

And did we also mention how classy he is? Yes, Dan Phillips is a classy fella too.

Really. They genuinely wonder why women don't take to them.

Anyways, later today the Gilkes birthday bash is scheduled to commence. Based on the first "Free Press" article Gilkes invited the reporter to attend. We'll see if that invitation is ultimately allowed to stand.


  1. "are people" lol.

    Brodie're right...a quick search reveals that he is a real gem indeed.

    What a bunch of white trash losers. Hitler would have hanged them.

  2. with Max being a papered rat, Curious as to why all these scumbags still talk to him? Wouldn't he be working with "The Jew" that these morons assume run things?

  3. Fuck kyle you really seem desperate in your attempts to slander me especially when everyone knows your a informant and a complete liar. Maybe just maybe people make their own mind up instead of listening to some ninety pound crouching surfing has been. But kyle I will say this you should be less worried about my brothers in ontario that talk to me and MORE worried about your "boys" that still talk to me and I'm not talking about bernie either. Consider it a game of where's waldo you can play with your members (god knows you won't be playing with your actual kid) you fucking washed up loser.

  4. Hollywood McKee is the rat not Max.

  5. White genocide-we want to preserve white women because, we see them as a sexual object and a man's at these clowns.You guys should call yourselves white shame not pride.

  6. Brodie Walsh is a drug dealer.He preserve white people by selling them drugs.LMFAO.

  7. The white power rapper?????????

  8. Whats wrong with teaching white kids the principles of white pride that have been lied to by a society that promotes criminal culture to sell products to disaffected kids seeking a identity

  9. What a bunch of fuckin' losers. Hynes, Ebel, McKee, Marhsall, Herring, Miller, etc. The whole lot of em.

    One big flock of shit seagull losers wasting their shit lives on shit beliefs talking shit about shit people and pieces of shit floating in the shit ocean themselves.

    - Lahey

  10. S.O.S forever! We believe quantity over quality! Cut out the mail in coupon on the back of our flyers and get a free patch! No background checks required

  11. Kyle is an assumed rat, Max is a papered rat. They are both presumed rats. A rat is a rat is a rat is a rat
    Fuck a rat, especially a racist rat.

    Rat king, google it... That's these guys

  12. "Whats wrong with teaching white kids the principles of white pride that have been lied to by a society that promotes criminal culture to sell products to disaffected kids seeking a identity."

    It's funny that you should bring up the issue of criminality Max. You might be interested in one of our upcoming posts.

    By the way, did you ever find out what happened to Northmore and the fellas from Kingston?

  13. "Whats wrong with teaching white kids the principles of white pride that have been lied to by a society that promotes criminal culture to sell products to disaffected kids seeking a identity."

    Did Max really just say that??
    Brodie is not a kid. Young, but not a kid any longer. Lied to by society? No, Brodie made a series of choices. We're all brought up in the same society, however the majority of us recognize that criminal activity usually begets criminal results. Seeing as he's just recently been released once again. And it appears he still is making poor decisions.

    The absolute BEST part of that comment is the complete lack of understanding your own motives and those recruiting into these groups. Isn't that how you like them? The desperate, the wannabes...the ones that attach themselves to every single group out there in an effort to build some street cred? The ones that don't set their own paths but follow blindly? Of course you like sheep Max. Because anyone with even a few brain cells could see through it all.

  14. I swear, boneheads get dumber and dumber..I fucking love this Brodie Walsh kid, joining up with a racist bonehead crew, but listens to Kendrick Lamar and tries to hold a style that is clearly negro influenced? lol can't see him staying long with the boneheads

  15. Both you fucking rejects are an embarrassment to whats left of the nationalist "movement" in Canada. Nothing but absolute shite. Between the favebook bullshit and the white pride marches which always an epic fail, both you dumbfuck manage to make yourselves look dumber and dumber everytime.

  16. This is silly you all sound like a bunch of Crackhead sitting on a jail range "he's a rat" "no he's a rat"
    nobody gives a shit lol .

    1. turns out the sos guys are crack heads lol

  17. I know who brodie walsh personally and trust me hes a phychopath peice of shit who belongs in the can

  18. Tomasz Winnicki29 May 2014 at 17:03

    So Max has like the shortest criminal record of all the SOS members? LOL!!!

  19. Why Tom, if we didn't know better we would think you just made a short joke at Hynes' expense. ;)
