Sunday, February 23, 2014

Confirmed: Kyle McKee Charged With Assault and Weapons Charges Late 2013

We had heard some rumours earlier in the new year but had been unable to confirm the rumours until now. After speaking to a friend in Calgary this past weekend as well as other contacts we can confirm that some time between October and November 2013 Kyle McKee was arrested and charged with assault and weapons offences. While we don't yet know the nature of the alleged assault and related charges, we do know that he was released after posting bail. Given McKee's extensive history with the criminal justice system (including his most recent lifetime weapons ban.... that's right, we wrote, "most recent") we are curious to know the reason the court granted bail considering it had only been 5 or 6 months since McKee was released after serving a 13 month sentence on assault and weapons charges (we know what we just wrote sounds like passive aggressive criticism, but it isn't intended to be; we are genuinely curious to know the rationale behind the decision since it might provide details about the case itself).

When asked about any upcoming trial, our source was not able to give a precise response but suggested that such a trial would not take place for several more months. As the information concerning McKee's arrest is in the public domain, we are also left wondering why none of the msm have picked up on this story when it first occurred?

So, if any of our dear readers have any further details or clarifications concerning McKee's arrest, we would very much like to hear from you.


  1. Is Kyle allergic to be successful in life? Grow the fuck up dude.

  2. Does anyone still care about what this guy does? Its inevitable that he'll just continue to bounce in and out of jail. Too small time to serve any real time, but stupid enough that he gets arrested a few times every year. No different than the crack-heads he apparently hates.

  3. who keeps letting him out of jail ?
