Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Jon Latvis.... You Aren't Helping

Suffice it to say, Rob Ford has not had a pleasant week. Two weeks almost. In fact we dare say that the past two weeks has fucking sucked. And things really don't really look to be improving any time soon.

But on this, Rob Ford's birthday, at least one person wants to show him some love:

Sure, we're piling on a bit. As one of our friends noted, it really isn't fair to criticize Ford for having his picture taken with Latvis as it was a public event with hundreds of people in attendance. And there is no reason for Ford to know who the hell Latvis was in the first place and when he made a public statement to that effect while also condemning antisemitism we have to take him at his word. In fact when we first published the photo, we noted it was more a failure of Ford's staff for not noticing the guy in the weird looking neo-Nazi outfit, asking a few questions, and then discretely pulling him out of line and ushering him out the building.

But damn. When it rains, it absolutely pours. 

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