Sunday, March 25, 2012

Photos from Edmonton

We had said we would post photos when they arrived. Here that we selected for inclusion on the blog:

So in all, a pretty pathetic display from the boneheads. We're not sure they were even able to muster 15, never mind the 20 - 25 as has been recounted to us.


  1. Gee i though it was a White pride event not Blood and honor c18 day???Can anyone clease this up?

  2. Where is the Great Fuhrer of the ""Oppressed White People""---Paul Fromm, when all this is happening? Why is Paulie not on the Front lines rallying his troops while riding on his donkey and sipping fine wine???

  3. Any idea who the older lady is? She's in the CTV clip as well and just uh, doesn't particularly fit in?

  4. Yeah, she stood out as well. Not sure who she is.

  5. One of our scouts talked to the old lady on the LRT...she's apparently the mother of one of the Edmonton boneheads, and a really hard-core racist.

  6. She claimed to be the mother of one of the main organizers. She complained that city council was bigotted against white people.

  7. Yeah boys wave that B&H banner high and proud, 90% of the people who walked by probably didn't even know who you were, why you were there, or why they should give a flying fuck. We and the news should just let them be, they would stand tall on stormfront as if successful but in reality have only faded into the background, and eventually into obscurity. I argue this constantly: unpopular people and opinions only stay relevant because of conflict. Sarah Palin, for instance, would have faded away shortly after the American election if it weren't for Democrats constantly mocking her gaffs, giving reason for others to defend her.

    I'd argue it's many more times embarrassing to have your protest outright ignored then to have it covered as a failure. Just my opinion I guess.

  8. The boneheads pictured above RAN AWAY, like the cowards they are, after under ten minutes downtown because of our opposition, back to Southgate where they assembled, but NOT BEFORE the Edmonton Police Service blockaded us from following and escorted them via the LRT to the Legislature steps!

    OUR taxes paid for police to provide security for "BLOOD AND HONOR / COMBAT 18 DAY", on OUR LEGISLATURE STEPS, and actually PREVENTED there being any protestors to hinder the racist's efforts!

    The "1-8" stands for Adolf Hitler, for those that still think this was about "pride in their heritage"
    I realize many readers here don't believe the system can work for them, but how about flooding the inbox/ phone lines of your local provincial level representative (unsure of the name), or possibly the comments sections of local media, and expressing your disgust?

  9. In reply to anon #5, the cops don't seem to be doing anything about these irrational violence-prone people. One of B&Hs goals of the march was to RECRUIT, now every recruit they get will probably commit senseless violence and spread this mindset to vulnerable young people. Unlike the Freedominion following seems to think, they ARE a danger, just not to the country at large (they are far too disorganized and just not smart enough in general) just the people that have to unfortunately share a city with them.
