Thursday, January 26, 2012

Oh, How We've Missed You Tom!

A relatively new poster on Stormfront going by the handle, "National Socialist Skin" caught our attention a while back. Oh, not because he seemed significant in and of himself, but he just reminded us of someone. He lives in Lethbridge. Has a tendency to name drop and brag about his status in, "the movement." Made fun of John Marleau. Talks about what he would do if he were in the same room with [fill in the blank] individual and it would not be pretty, he could sure tell you that.

We thought.... and then decided no. Couldn't be him. There was no evidence that "National Socialist Skin" has flown into a rage over some perceived slight and wasn't threatening people on Stormfront itself.

And then....

Now, we didn't catch all of this, but it enough to confirm that our favorite loose cannon Thomas Trenerry is back on Stormfront in what must be his third kick at the can:

Oh, Tommy, you bat-shit, crazy sob. We've missed you.


  1. Dont you guys have anything better to do?Btw there are numerous people who use that account.I for one am not a big stormfront poster.But I dont care what It says.When I am called AFA I get a little angry.

  2. Ok I read this shit.First off I didnt post it.4 people have access to that account.But whatever I just dont give a shit anymore.I told the guys who posted that shit to make their own accounts.I actually dont really care what people post on Stormfront.I am too old for internet arguements.Much more concerned with my financial future.And the well being of my family just like everyone else.So please next time you bring me up? Make sure its actually me.

  3. Poor Tommy. He keeps trying to bring his ball to the playground but no one wants to play with him.

    And spending a few hours in the can because of a driving suspension isn't typically known as "hardcore" time, but meh, take whatever hardcore cred you can get you I always say.

    Don't you have to get back to whacking off over Lady Gaga?

  4. You're a bad liar Tommy. Another reason why we missed you. ;)

  5. Bottle picking is financial planning?

  6. Whatever , Like I said. I dont care.We all had a laugh last night about it.You really need to get a life.Maybe move out of your mommies basement.

  7. Curiously enough.... Why do you care If I like Lady GaGa?Damn. You guys need a life.Like anyone would complain about GaGa under their Christmas tree?

  8. Did someone new take over your site?LOL Dont know much of my record no?And I am not sure why you call me "little" I am 6 foot one 210 pounds.What are you guys monsters or something?
