Saturday, March 19, 2011

Annual neo-Nazi march in Calgary fizzles

So it has been universally determined by most thinking people that the bonehead march today was a complete failure. Here we have an account published by, "The Globe & Mail" a little while ago:

Annual neo-Nazi march in Calgary fizzles 
Canadian Press and Globe Staff
Globe and Mail Update
Published Saturday, Mar. 19, 2011 4:50PM EDT
Last updated Saturday, Mar. 19, 2011 5:48PM EDT
With the movement's foremost figure in prison for the second year in a row, an annual neo-Nazi march in Calgary has flopped. 

There was plenty of anger but no violent confrontation after police kept neo-Nazi and anti-racist groups apart at parallel rallies in downtown Calgary Saturday. 

About 200 members of Anti-Racist Action Calgary gathered at Calgary city hall after word that the neo-Nazi group, Blood of Honour, was planning a march. 

But the 16 members of Blood of Honour, chanting “White Pride Worldwide” found their paths blocked by Calgary Police officers, including riot squad members, who cordoned off several streets in the downtown. 

A similar barricade of officers prevented members of the anti-racist group from proceeding as well, meaning the two groups could see each other a block away. 

One Calgary officer said things “went sideways” during a violent confrontation two years ago and they were going to make sure that didn't happen again. Police arrested two people at the scene. 

The protests ended when the Blood of Honour group gave up and hopped on a city bus and left the area.
The largest march, in 2009, saw dozens of neo-Nazis clash with a larger group of anti-racist activists. 

Blood and Honour has no formal leader, but it's de facto frontman is Kyle McKee, 25, an Ontario native who moved to the city in 2005. 

Mr. McKee has set about recruiting young skinheads to his cause, including several from Ontario. 

Earlier this month in Edmonton, four Blood and Honour members were arrested for what police said were a series of hate-motivated attacks. 

Mr. McKee himself was arrested Feb. 12 for threatening Jason Devine, the unwavering face of the anti-racist coalition that clashes with Mr. McKee's groups. 

Mr. McKee pleaded guilty to three minor charges Thursday and will be in prison until early next month – missing Saturday's march, which his girlfriend and colleagues had tried to hold together. 

Mr. Devine, meanwhile, had hoped the march would fizzle in Mr. McKee's absence, as it did. 

Law enforcement officials have questioned the lack of a hate crimes unit in Calgary, which has the country's highest rate of police reported hate crimes. 

Calgary Police respond by saying they track hate crimes better than any other city, and spread the responsibility across all officers – not just one unit. 

Calgary's skinhead subculture is gripped by infighting. Another major group, WEB, had said it would avoid Saturday's march. Unlike Mr. McKee, WEB members avoid publicity. 

Okay a few things we noticed:

With the movement's foremost figure in prison for the second year in a row, an annual neo-Nazi march in Calgary has flopped. 

Are they talking about McKee? Holy hell, they're talking about McKee! The movement's foremost figure???!!! HA! no doubt the brains of his detractors within the movement, and lordy, there are a LOT of detractors, are collectively exploding right now. And we wonder how Paulie feels about designating McKee as the, "movement's foremost figure"? We wonder if there might be a bit of jealousy that a functionally convicted felon, functionally illiterate high school drop-out has supplanted the university educated former English teacher Paul Fromm?

To the writers of the "Globe" we gotta tell you that you give McKee far too much credit.

Calgary's skinhead subculture is gripped by infighting. Another major group, WEB, had said it would avoid Saturday's march. Unlike Mr. McKee, WEB members avoid publicity.

Except when they attended in 2009 and were photographed attacking anti-racists. Or being arrested for causing disturbances. or posting pictures of themselves smearing blood on each other and on the walls of their residences. Other than that, yep, they avoid publicity.

1 comment:

  1. Why do they think kyle is the "leader"? He has the smallest crew in the country.lmao
