Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Terrible Twos

Online for two years now. Given the events of the last month, we think it would be greedy to ask for yet another birthday gift. However, a dear friend sent us a picture that, given the police are still looking for McKee, is very appropriate:

And just for fun, we would like to leave our dear readers, especially those who have some historical background knowledge, the following question:

Isn't it just a bit ironic that RN is quoting text from, "The Catechism of a Revolutionary" written by Sergei Nechaev and Mikhail Bakunin?


  1. I'm never impressed by thugs who like to consider violent mayhem and racism some kind of valid political expression.

  2. this isn't a comment but how come i have never seen anything about this here...
    Here's the kicker though. He also said that he had at one time been married to a Native woman and had three mixed race children from that marriage! Damn! How many times do we find out that racist have skeletons in their closet like this? It's starting to become a cliché. Of course he later said that his ex-wife had only a very tiny bit of Native ancestry but even if that's true, racists usually don't make that distinction when it comes to the high crime of "race mixing.

  3. Does this birthday mean you're still throwing tantrums, but soon to be potty trained? Truth is, I'd rather you didn't have to exist, but since you do, Happy Birthday, ARC!

    As for McKee. him being on the loose isn't a laughing matter, I suppose, but that pic sure is.

  4. looks like "the hog" just went an grabbed the most florid piece of prose that bubbled to the top of the search ranking of some quote website.

    my favourite bakunin quote was always "in the matter of shoes, i defer to the authority of the cobbler", but a more appropriate one in rebuttal might be:

    "the freedom of all is essential to my freedom"

  5. McKee has been AWOL for 2 weeks (almost). Maybe he's smarter than we thought, or maybe he's dumber than we thought and is hiding in plain sight.

  6. Keep hunting RCMP. Get this loser put in the klink where he belongs.

  7. i think even the nazis want kyle to be caught. just the other day i heard them all chanting "seek kyle".


  8. It's going to be so hard to catch him because everyone in Canada has a swastika tattooed on their hand, too bad he doesn't have any distinctive features.
