Monday, September 21, 2009

Report on the Demonstration for Equality

We received the following report from one of the organizers of the event that took place on September 18, 2009:

Subject: Equality Report.

Dear readers,

The Demonstration for Equality was a success! I'd personally like to thank those 20 or so people who came out for their participation and support.

I showed up at around 1:30 and waited around until I met up with a few mates of mine. By the time they showed up there was already a group of people forming. At 5:00 pm we had decided to move out. Just as we all got up and started marching down front street we encountered Nazi boneheads (two of them to be exact). They tried their hardest to shut us down from across the street! But they failed after flashing their 'white power' flag for 2 seconds after yelling Oi! After their second of glory they disappeared into thin air.

After that brief encounter we continued up university towards Queens Park. Upon arrival we met up with another fellow activist. We hung around and talked about funny stories involving boneheads, getting to know each other and I believe its safe to say that we all became friends.

At 6:30pm we moved out towards the Annex to go see 'Shwatarded.' An excellent film if I may say so myself.

After the film, some of the participants headed home, others went out and enjoyed the rest of the night. Overall looking at this from many perspectives that have been given to me I think that this was a success because of two key components. First, it remained a peaceful demonstration which is excellent. Second, we were able to discuss different methods to advertise the next one better, I now know of more organizations that I can contact to get more people to attend and I know that there is already a core group of people that will show up next time around.

Toronto S.H.A.R.P.

The folks with Toronto S.H.A.R.P. have also posted an update on the event as well.

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