Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Important News Soon to be Published

You have to appreciate having inside information about something big coming down the pipe that may very well rock some elements withing the Canadian "White Nationalist" movement to the core. Knowing that what is about to happen will occur so soon after David Ahenakew was found not guilty of promoting hatred towards Jews which has resulted in gloating by the likes of the Canadian Stormfront crew and VNN's Tomasz Winnicki, well, let us just say that we're going to really enjoy watching these same inviduals froth at the mouth with rage. It will be quite the show.

So what's going to happen, perhaps as soon as tomorrow?

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what is known as a cliff hanger. We promised not to shoot until we see the whites of their eyes.

Stay tuned.


  1. Oi! A cliff-hanger doesn't last that long...

  2. well... that fizzled...

  3. Actually in the serials of the 1940s a cliff hanger could last a week. You're all too focused on instant gratification. Let the meat marinate for a while and don't you both worry your pretty little heads over it.

  4. i'm guessing maybe it didn't happen? Didn't see the "whites of the eyes" because you walked up and realized they were department store manequins?

  5. Everyone is just so impatient today. You all must be terrible to be around on Christmas Eve.

    Children, don't worry. All will be revealed in the next couple of days. We do appreciate that you are all breathless with anticipation though.

  6. Oh yeah... I also noticed this... http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/02/26/hate.groups.report/index.html - the US is swirling clockwise down the drain.

  7. We're getting the impression that there are a lot of people who don't like Warren Kinsella based on some of the unpublished comments that we've received.

    We're also wondering when "soon to be published" meant "published immediately." To all our impatient readers, relax. Patience is a virtue.

  8. A couple days means 2-3 days at most though and it's been 4

  9. Well we'll be happy to amend our earlier comment from "a couple" to "a few" days then. We're not in a huge hurry, but it is nice to know that so many people must read this blog that you're all waiting with baited breath.

  10. ... a few days from now or a few days from the 24th?

  11. We're hoping to get the go ahead by Monday.

  12. But we'll see. We'd rather delay than show our hand too early.
