Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Aryan Guard March on International Day for the Elimination of Racism (re-dubbed by A.G. as 'White Pride Day') - March 21, 2009

Yep, the boys of the Aryan Guard are planning another march. No surprise of course. They've even set up a Facebook group to promote it and currently claim that more than 70 of their brethren plan on attending. Of course time will tell whether or not the support they claim to have really exists. We might be wrong, but we suspect that much of the commitment they're receiving via Facebook is quite soft; when push comes to shove, a good number of those who say they'll be at the rally won't actually show. But then we'll see.

Well, the MSM picked up on the story today. The Sun Media tabloids in both Edmonton and Calgary published a story about the planned rally:

'Get a life,' Calgary tells Aryan Guard


CALGARY -- Local white supremacists planning to repeat a rally that a year ago sparked downtown skirmishes with anti-racism activists are being told to get a life.
A controversial group called the Aryan Guard are planning to once again parade through Calgary streets promoting a "White Pride" rally on March 21, coinciding as it did a year ago with the United Nations' International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
But Ald. Joe Ceci, who sits on the working group for the Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination, said while the white supremacists have the right to express their views, they shouldn't expect a warm welcome.
"Their approach is wrong and they need to get a life," he said. "I'm all for people expressing their views but when we're talking about discrimination and race, that's not welcome here."
About 25 Aryan Guard members clashed with protesters on March 22, 2008 when they marched down Stephen Ave. Mall to the sidewalk in front of City Hall, with police forced to bring in a school bus to safely escort the neo-Nazis from the scene.
Kyle McKee, a member of the Aryan Guard, said his group's message is misunderstood and people are being hypocritical by discriminating against them for their personal views.
"I wouldn't say I'm a racist but do I have some animosity for some non-white races? Yes, I do," said the 23-year-old.
"We're getting the s--t end of the stick and it would be nice if people came out and showed that they're proud to be white."
McKee said the Aryan Guard is about 50 members strong and promotes a message of non-violence.
A 17-year-old member of the Aryan Guard is facing assault charges for an alleged attack on recent Japanese immigrant Asako Okazaki, 26, last July 26 in which she was kicked three times, including once to the back of the head, with steel-toed boots.
We do appreciate how Mr. Logan, who if we're to believe Aryan Guard rhetoric is currently being harassed by AG members and supporters as a result of his story, published the information about RN who is currently on trial for the unprovoked assault of the young Japanese immigrant in July right after McKee's ridiculous claim that the Aryan Guard oppose violence. Mr. Logan could have also mentioned the incident in Gleichen this past summer as well as the criminal records and charges leveled at a number of AG members and associates, McKee included.

Well, let's give McKee the benefit of the doubt then. He claims that the Aryan Guard promotes a message of non-violence. Then perhaps he'd like to explain these statements made by some of the members of his "organization":

We could continue, but we do believe our readers get the point.

1 comment:

  1. heres a nice little piece of info you might not have , rob r. got shot at a crack den supporting him and his gf's brittneys drug habit. how aryan
