Thursday, November 13, 2008

Any Vandalism Involving Broken Windows in Calgary Recently?

Perhaps not, but as the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht occurred between November 9 and 10, one can't help wonder if our favourite Calgary neo-Nazis might have decided to commemorate the event in the special way that only boneheads could. The following Facebook status of Bill Noble doesn't help assuage our suspicions:

 Not that we think Noble would be involved in any vandalism. No, Noble is more of a talker with an unwillingness to act on what he urges others to do, which is perhaps one reason why we've been hearing mutterings about Noble. There has also been questions about why Noble, who is obviously breaking the terms of his release, has not yet been arrested. Some have been claiming that Noble might be acting as an informer either for us or for the police. We laughed when we heard that Noble might be the Aryan Guard leak providing us with information. We can categorically state that, unless he has created a fake email address, Noble isn't provinding us with information. The latter claim that he's a police informer is not verifiable, but we personally doubt that he's an informant. Still that such claims are being quietly being expressed by some on the far right in Canada shows how disjointed this movement really is.

Our readers might have noticed a friend of Noble's on his Facebook profile by the name of Kevin Goudreau. We're going to have some information on this guy up on the website very soon.


  1. Those turn ups are disgraceful. Skinhead or farmer..hrmm...

  2. Bill isn't an informant. If you accuse him of anything accuse him of stupidity for claiming that he wasn't Exterminance during his trial. And he's the smartest of that bunch. The whole Aryan Guard is such a joke. From pictures of their illiterate leader having sex with someone who might not be White to the other shit they're involved with, they're a blight on the White Nationalist movement. They learned nothing from what we went through with Western Canada For Us and now they're paying the price.

  3. Well said SS-88.

  4. SS-88, didn't think you'd be allowed back on a computer...well, anyhow, how ya been? LOL, no worries, I'm not an anti.

  5. noonespecial, I can't help but be a bit concerned that you're letting the comments here be a forum for these scum.

  6. We understand the concern, but we figure that as long as they're savaging each other, we might as well let our readers enjoy the show too. It's not as if they're comments are showing themselves in the best light.

    In seriousness, part of our effort is to expose the disunity of these cretins. The public infighting on this website is merely a concrete example of this tendency to eat their own. Still we are aware that it could be troubling that we appear to allow these slugs a forum. Know that isn't our intent and that we hope you do what we do when we read their comments. Laugh. Hard.
