Thursday, August 28, 2008

Racist attack on the Siksika First Nation Reserve near Calgary

We were going to post an article detailing Paul Fromm's attempted breach of security during the Jason Ouwendyk / Northern Alliance CHRT hearings, but we want to alert our readers to a local news story currently breaking.

Thanks to "gandalf" for giving us a heads up.

Racism erupts at the Siksika First Nation Reserve

The police say that four members of the Aryan Guard are currently suspects. Are we surprised?


  1. I'd like to see them try that shit in Hobema.

  2. I'd like to see them all dropped off in the middle of Hobbema. They wouldn't last five minutes.

  3. And now they're crying of a police "frame-up" LOL

  4. Well of course they were framed. The Aryan Guard are, after all, kitten and granny lovin' pacifists.
