Friday, April 04, 2008

One Peoples Project

We haven't updated for a while with the exception of Bill Noble in his prison garb. Considering the Aryan Guard march on March 21 this might appear as if we've dropped the ball. In fact we will be posting updated information on the march which will include a number of identifications. However, our main writer has been busy with another project.

Late last month, Daryle Lamont Jenkins who runs the One Peoples Project based out of New Jersey invited to write about Canadian issues on his site. In response we've been updating some of the Canadian entries in the Rogue Gallery (BILL NOBLE and BILL WHATCOTT) and writing some new entries (TOMASZ WINNICKI and MELISSA GUILLE). We're trying to get a handle on the inner workings of the website, but Jenkins has been very helpful by cleaning up and editting the articles that we've written for the OPP site.

We will not abandon this site, but since all of us have jobs outside this project we're going to beg your patience as we work on presenting information on the far right in Canada for two websites.


  1. Are there any new developments on OPP?

  2. We've contributed the lion's share to an aricle in the Rogue's Gallery on the Aryan Guard. We hope that it will be available in the next few days.
