Sunday, September 24, 2023

"Save the Children East Meets West" on the move... so long as (a) their cars don't break down, (b) they don't run out of gas, or (c) someone can pick them up on the way.

First a quick update. It appears that there what have been described as convoys from Quebec today that began today. Norman Blanchfield, who began his drive in Alberta, is currently broken down on the roadside 17 hours away. Gordon Berry also seems to be struggling with car problems:

Blanchfield also posted a copy of the demands they have on his FB page. Others have posted requests for money to buy gas and other necessities:

As the convoy proceeds (and we don't have any idea of numbers or destination other than somewhere in Ontario), one of the early participants who rejected the effort due to concerns he had based on the meetings he attended posted this message:

It seems some of the plans being made by the "peaceful" protesters may have involved kidnapping politicians. Also when discussing how innocent people are caught in the middle of violent encounters, another person casually commented that "collateral damage" is inevitable:

So now let's go back and look at some of the key figures. 

On September 20, Shawn Bradley ("Iron Crow") spoke favourably about the anti-LGBTQ+ protests that day, that they will not live as slaves, and that the time they would be moving was soon. Bradley speaks of "people power" and of this being their "last chance". He repeats sovcit lines like Canada is not a country, however most ominously, Bradley talks about how people people died for Canada when it was a country. Finally, Bradley urges people to sell their possessions in order to get the money they need to hold out at the location they are going to in Ontario, including selling their "second car":

Norm Blanchfield has posted a lot and I'm not going to touch on all of them, but here he talks about "their right" to, I presume, inconvenience others and usurp the Canadian electoral system. In fact there's lot's about "their" rights. Not so much concern about the rights of others or the responsibilities of citizenship:

Here we get into what is basically the premise of this effort. They are basing it on sovcit pseudo-legal woo:

Also, these folks have really drunk the "New World Order" and WEF Kool-Aid.

Blanchfield and "Dave Freedom" discuss the old Bill of Rights which was replaced by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but which plays an outsized role in Canadian sovcit lore and which they seem to believe is their get-out-of-jail card, so to speak:

They move on to Coutts. Blanchfield believes that the four are still in jail because they hired lawyers and that they would be out if they represented themselves. 

The Bar Association of is also part of the conspiracy, dontchaknow?

They say that they don't want to overthrow the government. No, perish the thought! Blanchfield and "Dave Freedom" simply want to arrest Prime Minister Trudeau, try him for treason, and install a new government and system "for the people".

They talk about the alleged victims, further claim Trudeau is guilty of treason (for reasons) and crimes against humanity (for other reasons):

I'm including this just because it made me laugh. Blanchfield says that "Dave Freedom" legally changed his name because this movement is so close to his heart. 

Also, folks, if you are arrested, don't rep yourself if at all possible. It probably won't go well:

Moving back to Alberta we have Ron Clark who says he will be leaving for Ontario on Monday morning. He believes that no one can stop them (they have the right to travel) and that this event will be historic:

The next few clips he complains about how protesters were treated during the anti-LGBTQ+ protests by the counter-protesters. In short, he is upset that counter-protesters can protest their hate, but the anti-LGBTQ+ can't harass vulnerable groups with impunity.

After briefly claiming Canada is rife with foreign UN troops coming to harm them, he continues to claim how they are the real victims of LGBTQ+ bullying for, you know, just existing.

Clark further gives away the game when he says that "regular" kids need a safe space from the LGBTQ+ ideology... which is basically treating everyone with kindness and basic decency when one thinks about it. Can't have their kids exposed to that I guess?

Here Clark says you don't need to pay taxes (you do) and that he doesn't understand the Canadian Pension Plan or basic investment and diversification strategies. Also, I would really avoid taking medical advice from Ron.

Clark calls the media liars and rehashes what he thinks are the outrages of the Ottawa Occupation and their treatment by the police, including a claim that rubber bullets were used on them.

Of this claim I have seen absolutely no evidence. Quite the opposite in fact.

This is the point where the implied threats really begin. Clark tells the police they need to pick a side, suggesting there would be trouble should they not pick the side they feel is correct. He claims that the police/military are following orders from a dictator and says that he isn't inciting anything, but then seems to use some rather coded language about NOT (wink) bringing guns and knives (wink):

He urges people to come in cars, trucks, tanks if you have them. They have the "right" to travel any way they wish. He also wants semis because the sound of the horns makes his soul happy. He wants everyone to come but if you can't he tells you to get your popcorn ready to watch the show.

The Ottawa Occupation was, in Ron's deluded mind, the most important historical event since the French Revolution it seems.

Also, his complaints about capitalism suggests Ron would be happy with socialism, however he also doesn't understand the meaning of words so...

After having spent half an hour rehashing imagined slights and oppression, he tells Black people and FNMI to stop living in the past and get over their real history of oppression and discrimination. 

I mean sure, Indigenous children were subjected to the residential schools and cultural genocide while African-Canadians have suffered from systemic discrimination for centuries, but have they been denied entry into a Tim Horton's unless wearing a mask?

Now, we end our look at Ron Clark with another implied threat. 

He says they will be peaceful, but they will not be "pushed around" by the police again. 

"Remember, there 238 of us to every one of them":

Moving on to Tyson "Freedom George" Billings whom readers will remember as Salacious Crumb to Pat King's Jabba during the Ottawa Occupation.

He too is going to Ontario, though he is weirdly cagey as to how he will get there. He suggests that the big demand is the removal of Trudeau and echos Ron Clark in stating the police won't be able to move them like last time. 

Also, send money. He's totally good for it.

Billings asks for military support. He also says that while they will be peaceful, should the police try to enforce the law that the police will have put themselves in harms way. 

"Don't put us in any danger, and you will not be in danger either":

More sovcit rhetoric; Canada is a corporation and not a real country. 

Billings also refers to the LGBTQ+ community as the mafia. Listening to him, it seems clear that Billings is just spouting rhetoric but doesn't actually understand any of it:

Want some new age spirituality combined with some Christian Nationalism? Billings is here for you. For example, did you know Ottawa is filled with evil spirits? Tyson Billings does apparently.

I mean, boring spirits I get, but I'm not sure I can really get behind evil:

Let's now move on the Gordon Berry who appears to be spearheading the eastern portion of this effort. To give you an insight into what he is about, here is a typical post on his Facebook profile:

And it probably shouldn't be a surprise to learn the "save the children" thing is really a pretext for what they really want to do:

Berry seems to believe this is iminent, though some want to do more than simply arrest the Prime Minister:

We begin with Gordon Berry driving to another meeting wearing a "Constitutional Sheriff" t-shirt which was probably purchased when he was associated with Marcus Ray.

And yes, he is driving (and yawning) while he streams which, I mean, seems really safe. 

Why was he yawning. Sleep deprivation of course. 

I'm sure he is fine to drive on a busy highway though.

Berry will talk about the importance of vibrations and frequency now and throughout the video. 

More importantly though...


I actually think this clip is the most telling of all that I'll post today. In addition to the sovcit woo, Berry says that they can "create their own reality" the benefits them by simply manifesting it into existence.

In other words because they can't accept reality as it is, they will pretend it isn't happening and make one up that conforms more to the narrative they believe but for which there is no actual evidence for, refusing to recognize evidence that contradicts them:

Apparently vaccines are harmful, dinosaurs weren't real, and space doesn't exist, but  his new age understanding of energy and consciousness is "scientifically proven." 

God help us with these people...

We now have a stream of consciousness about the police and I'm left wondering how many Monster Energy drinks he has consumed in the past 24 hours. 

I'm going with a baker's dozen as my guess:

Berry states that children are being indoctrinated which is in keeping with what we have been seeing being claimed by the far-right in their latest crusade against the LGBTQ+ community. 

As a teacher, if I COULD indoctrinate my students, it would only to convince them to get their assignments in on time:

To sum up Berry's attitude towards other "patriot" groups they are in dispute with, "they hate us 'cause they ain't us":

Energy baby! ENERGY!!!!

Peaceful Gordon Berry talks about the foreign troop conspiracy and acknowledges he doesn't really know anything for certain, but that our soldiers have the right to kill them. 

Not that HE is suggesting they do that, of course:

He wants the police and military to join forces with him, defacto yadda yadda, and of course energy:

We must come together as one! 

Also, BLM and antifa have no souls and are probably lost forever.

Uhm... unity?

Politicians are all criminals and will be dealt with accordingly. 

So much for innocent unless proven guilty in the world Berry wants to manifest, eh?

That said he does go on to explain why he doesn't like courts. They are evil because they wont do what he wants them to do:

He provides the example that even Max Bernier suggested there was a process for arresting Trudeau on charges of treason.  Berry thinks it should just happen because of what he thinks is a mountain of evidence (including long debunked claims he was fired as a teacher due to an illicit relationship with a student)... none of which is ACTUALLY true OR evidence of treason:

With Berry out of the way now, lets look at Elliot McDavid.

If that name is familiar it is because he was the yobb who, in August 2022, recorded himself harassing Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland in Grande Prairie:
In a thankfully short clip, he talks about how he will be leaving for Ontario soon too:

Now these are of course not the only people who will be, plan on, or are hoping to go to Ontario.

For example, Clifford "Apollo" Tabor, an especially aggressive individual who tried (and failed) to get an army of millions to Ottawa to remove the government want in.

If he can get a ride that is:
You see, this is sort of a thing because if one is really interested in "protecting the children" you might be inclined to give Tabor the side eye:
Clifford Tabor was charged with the second degree murder of three year old Kimberly Melissa Kelly.  On May 6th, 2003 he applied for judicial interim release pursuant to s. 522 of the Code before Madam Justice Hunter.  She found the appellant had failed to discharge the onus to justify why his custody was not justified pursuant to s. 515(10) of the Code and denied the application.  He appeals that decision pursuant to s. 680 of the Code.

Also, if you are going to bring a circus to town, expect the clowns to arrive as well:

Jason LaFace was involved in the Ottawa Occupation (and was sued as a result). This past spring he tried get a mass of people to go to Ottawa where they would not leave until the Governor General decertified the Liberal Party:
Suffice to say, the Liberals still exist as a political party and Jason left town in less than a week having convinced a dozen or so to join him.

It seems that Jason, along with others, have been added to the "go-to" list for anyone with questions. They participants are using a signal group and 2 way radio for communication:

Still there is some concern about this going south, even among members of the far-right.

Diagolon for example is very suspicious:

To be fair, he is probably right about them planning something stupid while also being wrong about them being "feds".

And others are also sounding the warning bell:

And of course, one can not discount their own incompetence getting in the way. As I write this there is a huge argument among participants. Seems that Norm Blanchfield is upset someone gave away the super secret location and date, though I think we all could have at least guessed the location:

So this really is going just as well as you might have expected.


While I don't expect that the same number of people will show up to the as now mystery destination as they did to Ottawa in February 2022, but those who do participate may be more aggressive (and, quite frankly, dumber) which isn't a good thing.

They are buffoons, but still capable of causing harm.

UPDATE 1: Things are going just great!

In the meantime, Jane Scharf appears to be trying to take over the convoy effort herself:

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