Monday, August 14, 2017

Events in Charlottesville, VA: Some Canadian Racists React (Part II)

ARC continues to watch the fall-out from the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally and counter protest. It didn't take long for Charlottesville "truthers" including Canadians to emerge suggesting that the murder of Heather Heyer was either:
  1. A false flag.
  2. An accident precipitated by the actions of the counter protesters.
  3. Committed by a "left-wing" Bernie Sanders supporter. 
  4. George Soros. Honestly, just the name George Soros because even though I'm generally pretty good at figuring out what conspiracy nutters are going on about, this is a stretch even for them. Basically invoking the name is enough to suggest a dark conspiracy.
Here are a few of such examples:

There are also those who continue to celebrate the death of another human being and hope for more of the same:

There have been a number of rallies and vigils held throughout North America today both to honor the memory of Heather Heyer as well as to condemn the racist "alt-right" white supremacist movement. The event in Toronto, held at the America consulate, was crashed by Ronny Cameron who is now styling himself as a journalist:

The video is well over an hour long and tedious as hell as Cameron attempts to "debate" people attending a vigil to honor a murdered woman....

....but here are a few of the comments from people Ronny suggests are, "the best":

Lots of class.

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