Saturday, June 09, 2012

Paul Fromm: Campus Alternative and "Countdown"

We continue to receive photos and documents from our readers as we proceed with our project to document the history of the early racist movement in Canada. A few days ago, we received the following message:

I saw your call out for old documents from the white supremacist movement, so I'm sending you pictures for two documents I came across that I thought might be of interest.They're anti-Edmund Burke Society/Western Guard flyers from the 1970s created by a Toronto group called the Revolutionary Marxist Group and feature good ol' Paul Fromm fairly prominently.

This is truly great stuff. Not a lot is known to us about what Paulie was up to after he left the Western Guard. We know that he began another short-lived group called Campus Alternative (membership numbers unknown) and publishing a newsletter called, "Countdown" but that was about it. This sheds a little more light on this period. The documents themselves we suspect are from 1973 or 74.

If anyone has a copy of "Countdown" kicking around, we would very much be interested in that as well.

It might be easier for our readers to read the documents in these links:

Document 1 (a and b)

Document 2 (a and b)

1 comment:


    Canada faces gun confiscation /

    by F. Paul Fromm.
    [Scarborough, Ont. : John Birch Society, 1975?]
    What is a Communist by Lubor J. Zink published by the Edmund Burke Society (with permission of the Toronto Telegram)

    (several Fromm books - ignore the first one that's another Paul Fromm)
    Aryan Magazine - Western Guard

    Straight Talk - Western Guard

    various C-FAR publications

    I'm sure the University of Calgary can obtain this material from U of T via interlibrary loan.
