Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Musical Interlude

Just because we like to remind our readers, who truth be told need no reminders, that antifa music is far, far, far superior to RAC and/or WP crap.

Okay, we admit it. We just wanted an excuse to post this.

1 comment:

  1. Needs more rage!

    "I've had enough of your lies
    Now it's the time to make it stop
    Spreading false propaganda how your race is clean
    How can you be so stupid? Colour doesn't mean a fucking thing

    Now we're ready to fight for everyone's right
    To live without fear getting attacked by you
    Baldheaded assholes this we won't tolerate
    It's time to put end to this fucking hate

    Destroy fascism!
    Antifascist action now..."
