Sunday, June 13, 2010

What Happens When We're Bored

We grew tired of the old layout, so here's a new one. We're test driving it now to see if we'll stick with it for a while, but we like it so far. Kinda funky.


  1. I like it, your old one was too common a layout, so this is nice. =D

  2. Like the way the background doesn't move but the text does when scrolling. Don't like the background - too busy & distracting. Just my 2 cents. ;)

  3. To be honest I don't really like it. But that's not important. Keep up with the good material.

  4. 'Nice layout. I like this. I'm glad that stupid Guy Fawkes image is gone too.

  5. looks like shit! keep it up retards

  6. Honestly, I don't really like the new is pretty distracting from the articles.

  7. Hey, I posted yesterday about not liking your layout... Anyway, I think this one you have today is a lot nicer and easier to read! :)
    It's not too busy and doesn't take away from the articles or anything, but it's more interesting than just the orange.

  8. We respond to constructive criticism. :)

    And hey, Anonymous 5, just because you were breast fed until you were 16 is no reason to take out your Oedipal frustrations on us.

  9. g'day,

    dig the new layout.

    @Meghan G. guy fawkes is alright -- the only man to enter parliament w honest intentions etc.

    btw, paul fromm is scheduled to come speak to local fascists in sydney (australia) in september...
