Saturday, May 15, 2010

Oh! Oh My Paulie! Have You Been a Naughty Little Boy?

We've heard rumors about Paulie, but we've never published any of them because we didn't have proof and couldn't be certain that the rumors were true, exaggerations or completely false. However, it looks as if at least someone may have been able to gather said proof.

Want to know what we're going on about? Click on the following link and be taken to a world of disturbing imagery that might cause you to never close your eyes again for fear of seeing what should never be seen by human eyes:

Paul Fromm - God's April Fool Joke on Women

Try getting some of those mental pictures out of your head.

If the allegations are true, then it sort of flies in the face the "traditional" morality that racists claim ownership for themselves. We'll keep watching to see if anything new develops.




  2. IF these things are true, you cannot allow it to taint us all...

    Some of us, political dissidents, still have good enough sense to realize that, for example, identifiable minority groups cannot be blamed and held accountible as a whole for the poor conduct of a great number of their peers...

    As many so-called 'white nationalists' or, 'neo-nazis' so easily make that mistake; If you disapprove of those sorts of people, don't do as a great number of them will do, and make the same mistake.

    Paul. My friend. Sort your life out.

  3. The bad sappy lust notes were bad enough...but Frumm in a bathing suit....?....I need stronger bud now....

  4. Another embarrassment in the WN "movement". Kyle whining about being cold in jail.LMAO
    This is turning out to be quite amusing.Does anyone know if he is in segregation yet?
    Cant imagine he is too popular.

  5. There's alot more where that came from. One of your posts last year was a falling out that had to do with Nazi Mom that actually started with her setting Paul up to catch him cheating. A few people put an end to it, and she lashed out. I mean, obviously setting someone up for a woman and making a fool of him while he is helping you out is a white, I mean right thing to do. It's about time this piece of shit was 'outted'. On another note, what the hell do women see in his old, fat ass?

  6. Hey, he's just doing his part to ensure the propagation of the white race.

    Seriously though it's not like there haven't been folks involved in political activism who've been world class douches in their private and intimate lives before. And in this I'm including activists both on the left and the right.

    In the case of the leftists many that I have known have paid considerable lip service to feminist ideals whilst practicing all the high minded idealism of a weasel in heat. Anarcho-lotharios if you will. So really I see little difference in an ultra-rightist like Fromm being a horn-dog while espousing "traditional" values and a leftist claiming to respect women when they treat them like "a storage space for [their] sticky sperm" (to paraphrase SNFU).

    Not to say he's undeserving of derision, far from it, he brings it on himself, as do all hypocrites regardless of their political stripe. I just feel it behooves me to point out that in this case the left does not exactly enjoy a monopoly on virtue.

  7. Sure. We know people who subscribe to our political beliefs whom we wouldn't let our children hang around with. But then we're talking about a man here who has taken it upon himself to promote and advocate for the superiority of Western morality. Strikes us as a bit of a stretch now.

  8. Like I said let the mockery commence.

    I too wonder how it is that Fromm is able to still pull the ladies in based on his advanced years. I can only attribute it to the cult of personality that usually accompanies extremist political demagoguery. I mean old one-nut apparently got the frauleins all excited back in the day so maybe Mr Fromm has the same effect on the impressionable young women of the WN movement. I mean if you're willing to believe in Nazism you're probably willing to believe that Paul Fromm is a sexy beast.

    Me? I'm not buying either.

  9. Oh and I forgot to comment, a WN advocate advising against stereotyping. Some might view that as ironic Meghan.

    However I get that you are expressing the opinion that such stereotyping is a common error amongst others in the WN movement. If that's the case good on you for holding such a view.

  10. @ Davegeek

    The difference is, leftists do not purport to be representatives of a "master race" that is inherently, biologically of superior moral character. And leftists don't attempt to use that lie to demean, degrade and defame nonwhites, Jews and gays. So many of the posts on Stormfront and other WP forums are about single instances of crime and immorality by individual nonwhites and Jews, meant to drive home the point that poor ethics are "natural" to such groups. We're not talking about hypocrisy from the left or right. We're talking about white supremacists, who are a whole other breed altogether. Any time you bring race to a conversation about morality and values, that carries a lot more weight. Fromm and the WN movement claim to represent superior "white values". The leftwing misogynists don't get off the hook either, but it's not the same thing.

    @ Meghan G.

    "Some of us, political dissidents, still have good enough sense to realize that, for example, identifiable minority groups cannot be blamed and held accountible as a whole for the poor conduct of a great number of their peers..."

    Right. Don't blame ALL minorities just because a large number of them are bad! I suppose you think that's a reasoned, moderate view. Get over yourself. You're not a political dissident, you're simply a racist.

  11. Anonymous: Aren't you just a supreme judge of character! ...based on, what? We don't know eachother. I'd prefer being referred to as "a dissenter from political orthodoxy," in all fairness, because "white-nationalism" and/or "White-supremacism" couldn't possibly be a logical preference, especially for a person like me...

    I simply disagree with many of the widely adopted aspects of the conventional wisdom. If, in your opinion, this is "racism," than so be it. What YOU think of me, or anyone else, isn't any of our business whether or not we'd like to know, in my opinion.

    "Don't blame ALL minorities just because a large number of them are bad!" These are your words, not mine. I don't believe that minorities are bad people! To me, what constitutes a person's badness would be their actions. Like the saying goes, "You'll know the tree by the fruits that it bears!"

    Common knowledge, in this case, is understanding that there are bad people who exist in every spectrum of human existance! well as good. Anyone with eyes to see can observe.

    But, I appreciate your input. Peace be with you! <3

  12. Meghan "G"... it might occur to you that I know more about you than what you've posted here. But in any case, implying that a "great number" of minorities engage in poor conduct is racist. It's very simple. Whether or not you think they're inherently bad is beside the point. And in the context of your associations, I think it's pretty straightforward. Come on now, Ms. G. If you think white nationalists and white supremacists are illogical (no concerns about the morality of that position, I notice), then why do you count so many of them among your friends? You may be too cowardly to claim the label for yourself, but you're certainly very comfortable around racism.

    I really don't care about you at all. I just don't like to see an anti-racist blog being used as a forum for this bullshit - although I realize your original post was probably only published for your comments on Fromm...

  13. I just don't like to see an anti-racist blog being used as a forum for this bullshit - although I realize your original post was probably only published for your comments on Fromm...

    At least we know there are some out there who can discern the method to our madness. Cheers. :)

  14. "Meghan 'G'... it might occur to you that I know more about you than what you've posted here."

    Obviously. I'm not very secretive, as you can see! I've got nothing to hide! How cowardly, indeed.

    "Oh and I forgot to comment, a WN advocate advising against stereotyping. Some might view that as ironic, Meghan." Ironic. You wouldn't be the first to describe my attitude as such!

    "However I get that you are expressing the opinion that such stereotyping is a common error amongst others in the WN movement." Yes, Sir... however,

    Davegeek and Anonymous, white nationalists and/or white supremacists tend to be, wholly, "white" people... Having said that...

    Anonymous: "You may be too cowardly to claim the label for yourself..." Or rather, unwilling to hijack an identity that is unfit for me. If you know me so well, Anonymous, that statement wouldn't be very vague.

    "...why do you count so many of them among your friends?" I have my reasons.

    Davegeek, I appreciate your responses, and I respect your outlook and your comments.

    Nos200, you've thought to "Throw me a bit of a bone." And yet, you've dumped a whole bag. Impressive!

  15. Hi Anonymous,

    I do admit that you are correct that WNs, by advocating some form of inherent racial superiority, do set themselves for more mockery than those leftists who merely espouse a superiority based on awareness (ie the whole "vanguard" concept). That's why I'm happy to see Fromm being mocked for being apparently a troutish philanderer when so much posturing is done by his ilk concerning their moral superiority over the "muds" and "reds". It's also why I love the picture of Kyle and company wallowing in what can charitably described as their own filth while supposedly embodying a "master race". And it's why I am happy when the left does police itself and hold up its own hypocrites for derision. I just think that it's always important to not lose track of the fact that you always have to be aware that there is poor personal conduct on your side as well as your opponents. And to try to minimize the potential fallout from one's own allies' indiscretions and stupidity.

    If you admit your shit then it can't be thrown back at you. For example if Mr. Fromm were to have announced that he was an Aryan amorist who loved all the ladies and that like the boys in Lynyrd Skynyrd he was a "bird you cannot change" then this would be a complete non-issue. That was what I was getting at with my initial post. Sorry if came off like a defense of Mr. Fromm.
