Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So, Does This Mean There's Not Going to Be a "White Pride" March This Spring

Interesting what a great deal of bad press will do.

We had heard that the Aryan Guard, despite their public bravado, were hurting badly. The bombing seems to have finally killed it. The following screen shot comes directly from their website:

The Aryan Guard: 2006 - 2009. It will not be missed, nor mourned.

Interesting how they throw Marleau under the bus. To be fair, he is the main cause for this whole thing even if he isn't charged. The decision to disband would have been Bill Noble's decision, as he ran the website.

Now, just because the Aryan Guard is no more, that doesn't mean we're done. We still have the individual members. McKee is still on the loose. Marleau is still dragging his fat ass around Calgary. There are the members of W.E.B. whom we'll now focus more on. And, of course, there's Bill Noble, a man who should be in prison for violating the terms of his parole the moment he was in a position to do so.

Still, we told you all the Aryan Guard would collapse.

And we were right. Again.


  1. If Kyle Mckee was innocent, he wouldn't of ran away.

  2. best news I've heard in a while.

  3. Made my Fucking Day :). Thanks for that.

  4. They tossed Marleau under the buss faster than you can spit. All the while forgetting that Kyle is at the very least the tiniest iota capable of making his own choices. Guy dug his own grave, now he can lie in it. I hope John see's how quickly people he thought were his friends turned on him, and likewise. That website post is a lie, not a one of them stands behind the other. A vicious circle of selfishness, and use.

  5. Damn that must have been one hell of a speed bump for the bus to hit.

    These loonies are not welcome back in Ontario.

  6. That makes this one of the best weeks this year

  7. Considering it's almost certain that Marleau squealed like the pig he is when questioned by police about the bombing, it's hardly surprising members of the AG - no, wait for it...FORMER members of the AG - aren't too fond of him anymore.

  8. I'm going to miss trolling their forums for laughs, but good riddance otherwise.

  9. Simply because they're undesirables... does that justify savagery from their opposition? This is just a general question for any general occasion that savagery from their opposition occurs.

    May justice be served... and hopefully, may this lead to a positive change for those who appear to have been given another chance to live well. I really do wish for the best, for everyone who was involved.

    I've been watching your blog closely for updates, as so many of us from various political and spiritual viewpoints were. I am not one of them, and I'm not one of you. But, I'd like to thank you for keeping each of us well informed. Danke.

  10. This is great news!

    But gee, I wonder what purpose those swastikas tattooed all over their heads, hands and chests will serve now their American History X fantasy world has come to an end.

    Much thanks as always to the ARC Collective and its allies!

  11. WIN.

    Hey, ARC, the thread on Stormfront about McKee being wanted is behind a password wall. Any chance you can let us know what they're saying?

  12. tossed HIM under a bus? Ok, maybe Kyle has a mind of his own (or you would think) But Johns sick stalker ways lead to all of this. It just shows you a glimpse of how demented John obviously is, and Kyle for that matter. Who the hell would want to stay by the side of a fat, sick fuck, who attacks women who don't want him? Even the Aryan Guard members are smarter than that apparently!

    No matter what or who caused anything. I am just happy to hear the news.

  13. Obituary here:


  14. http://www.calgarysun.com/news/alberta/2009/11/25/11928201.html

    Police had him... and then just apparently chose not to chase him down? I hope there's an inquiry into why they juts let him go, this wreaks of police complicity.

  15. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/calgary/story/2009/11/25/calgary-aryan-guard-bombing-disbanded.html
