Saturday, November 28, 2009

Aryan Guard Collapse Fallout and Aftermath Part II: Second Thoughts?

These boys are batty as hell and can't seem to make up their minds. A few days ago they said they were disbanding. Now they're claiming that they're sticking around after all:

Sounds like they aren't even bothering with the pretense of being non-violent now. Well, at least that's truth in advertising.

Bill Noble explains the change of heart in the Aryan Guard forum:

Color us suspicious, though we had recently heard rumblings that the Aryan Guard planned on continuing, albeit quietly and under the radar for a time.

And Noble saying that he was giving up control of the website and forum to the new leadership strikes us as interesting since he also says he's going to maintain it. And that he's the person who pays the bills.

Now, given the rather strident language of the retraction of the disbandment, we wonder how long this new incarnation of the Aryan Guard will last? We don't think it'll make it a year. And considering the name of the Aryan Guard is now synonymous with "pipe bombs" and "attempted murder" we wonder how much tolerance "good Calgarians" will have for the group now?


  1. Yeah. I doubt these white boys will be making a strong come back anytime soon, I never thought i'd say this but here's a shout out to Kyle McKee: Thank You! no one else could have ever pulled off such an astute act of genuine stupidity with enogh force behind it to royaly fuck you and all your "Comrades" for years to come. To the new gang of white trash trying to reform: Good fucking luck. Calgary didn't take your shit the first time, and round two, your already in over your heads. So pardon my language but: Fuck White Pride.

  2. Wow - "carnage and brutality"... anti-racists drowning in "pools of [their] own filthy blood"...not to mention "you may call me Hans Krieger". Way to mainstream your message, Aryan Guard! I'm sure this is something your "average white Joe" will be excited to get behind. Good job. Now we just have to wait for the remaining membership to O.D. or end up in prison. Shouldn't be long now.

  3. The person who wrote the retraction, any idea who it is?
    By the words used one might think that this one actually passed 12th grade English.

  4. I would be shocked to find out that the writer of that message was old enough to drink.

  5. Maybe 3 remaining members made that decision because there were only 4 members to begin with? Isn't exactly a hidden fact.

  6. From the mouth of Tyler Sturrup..
    Speaking for W.E.B If you think your bad Aryan Guard we will find you...Drop your name..Aryan Guard is finished!!!

  7. It must be stressful to live in the world of an AG member, some of the blogging and threads on the new website really show you what type of delutional conspiracy theory world they live in. I'm surprised how they even function in the world. I seriously think they all will have nervous breakdowns due to paranoid delution and alcohol/drug induced episodes. Honestly the life expectancy of their type of activism is short lived. What's really alarming is the mental illness of these individuals, and the concerns I have for the public safety of others. Really the criteria they use to determine whether you are a good citizen or not is really hairy carry. No one is safe even their own, who wants that type of organization.

  8. @ Anon 11/29/8:32
    Sounds like it might be Kyle's GF, or whatever she is to him: Natalie, or whatever the fuck her name is. Suprisingly, the broad managed to get to her second year at U of C, or at least so she claims, which means she passed the EFW which means she has to at least have SOME literary skills to boot. Thats my only guess, the rest of them are proven morons when it comes to grammar and shit.

  9. wtf does WEB stand for?

  10. The Aryan Guard can attemp to go on, but I believe Kyle has f*cked it up for all of them. Anyone who is that stupid, is going to make it so others want nothing to do with them. Thanks to him, they are all going to be harassed by cops, phones tapped, questioned at work, etc. Best of luck, douchebags!

  11. Western European Brotherhood. Or, depending on whom you speak to, Western European Bloodlines.

  12. The AG won't last. But, due to this new wave of publicity they and/or the people who are loosely associated with them WILL no doubt attract a few new violent, anti-social types. It's doubtful it will coalesce into anything resembling a movement, but the public has to be vigilant about the potential for even more acts of racist violence, vandalism and intimidation in the future.
