Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bill Noble Comments on Winnipeg Custody Case

Aryan Guard member Bill Noble (who, we will remind our readers, is still in violation of the terms of his release from jail) has decided to chime in on the custody case in Winnipeg involving 'Nazi Mom' and 'Nazi Dad.' It might be worth mentioning that while Noble was in jail last year, both 'Nazi Mom' and 'Nazi Dad' attended the Aryan Guard march in Calgary on March 2008. A few days after their return, the children were removed from the household. Below are Noble's comments on the Aryan Guard's web forum where he acts as an administrator:

Summary executions. Well that certainly doesn't make Noble appear bat fucking insane.


  1. If Noble wants to extricate himself from society, why doesn't he put his money where his mouth is and leave?

  2. So he's a whack job.
    This is not news.

  3. someone needs to hit a gym asap

  4. Complete non-point here, but I really wish neo-Nazis would learn to wear clothes. You know, all their clothes, like the rest of us do. Every bleedin' photo of one of 'em is shirtless and typically they look like they need a good wash. Thought the Nazi ideal was blond, blue-eyed, and scrubbed clean? Ugh.
