Friday, April 24, 2009

What Happens When We're Bored

Idea was stolen from one of our readers and most of them are pretty lame, but perhaps some of you will find some of these inspirational posters to be at least a little amusing:

That last one was a bit of an inside joke that we know some of our readers will appreciate.

A bit of a double meaning in the above inspirational poster. Two words for you Marc: French Cruller.

Yes, very childish. We know.


  1. wtf is wrong with you... how old are the pictures you got of us... if u are going to insult us atleast have some dignity and get some more up to date photos.

  2. Seig Fail. Those people must be incredibly familiar with the short bus if they think Rammstein has any sympathy whatsoever to the shit they espouse. Reminds me of that time I googled System of a Down and found a StormFront link to somebody inspired by their music. Do these fucking douchebags even listen to the music that they claim inspires them?

  3. Anonymous 1: Considering the pictures posted, we wouldn't talk about dignity if we were you. Besides, pictures that are a year and a half to a year old aren't exactly relics of a bygone era.

    Anonymous 2: There are numerous examples of these individuals not having a clue what they are reading or listening to. How many of them list "American History X" as their favourite movie, after all?

  4. Do you really have nothing better to do with your time?

  5. Last night? Sadly no. Our quilting bee couldn't get together because Esther fell and broke her hip.

  6. lolcake is so delicious on a Saturday afternoon. Thanks for giving me some!

  7. as hilarious as it gets

  8. It's interesting to note that by all appearances the so-called master race seems to live in squalor (and really crapy grafitti). Have they considered maybe buying a vacuum cleaner, or taking your boots off in the house? Apparently not.

  9. Seig Fail was the funniest thing i saw all day!! Thanks for the laughs, that's some good work.

  10. The Aryan Guard are a sad representation of the human race... this is the most pathetic and disgusting display I have yet to see of a skinhead of any sort!

  11. Again I can only say fucking hilarious!!! Sieg Fail muahahaha. I know fucking crust punks who live in cleaner squats than that. These morons don't sway my politics in any way, no one likes them in the movement asides from little 15 year old kids with shit for brains usually based out of some buttfuck town in ontario. We are not all hateful disgusting little pukes and we all don't hang off of hitlers balls. The longer Aryan Guard exists the more I have something funny to read about so they can go on for as long as they want. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK FOR OUR RACE AND NATION BOYS LOL

  12. Some of us who got the puddles one laughed so hard beer came out of our noses. ARC now owes us a fresh pint.

  13. Hey, for the entertainment we've provided to you, we think you owe us the drinks. ;)

  14. I say you owe each other beer that's true equality!

  15. I don't get the puddles one.

  16. The Aryan Guard omfg!!!! They are despicable, they are generally the biggest display of North American ignorance they are drunks and unorganized pieces of shit that will never change anything except possibly the perception they want the little girls to think of them... as they enjoy their arseholes!! The Aryan Guard are nothing but a bunch of little girl loving drunks!! They are NO representation of the WN movement in Canada!!!

  17. You know, I have to say after looking at the first pic, I do not see how they can call themselves skinheads. All politics aside, myself, as a skinhead, would never sit on such a flea infested couch.

    And I've got to say, as a matter of pride, my place is cleaner than that, and out of respect for my landlord (and good taste) my walls do not have scribbles on the walls.

    I also put my garbage in a garbage can. And have a clean carpet on my floor.

    Seriously, what is that? A Squat? Thank God there are no pics of their bathroom!

    How can someone have pride when they live like that? No wonder they have such a twisted view of what skinhead is.

  18. I just thought I'd point out some irony for the sake of poking fun at our "Master Race".... Anon 2 found a link to Stormfront saying that one of its members were "Inspired" by System of a Down.. Just thought I'd let the bonehead who said that know you owe that inspiration to the Lebanese/Armenian mastermind behind the band, dumbass. But hey, when and if any of my Lebanese friends ever start "Uping the Reich" I'll Letcha know.
